Revista ibero-americana de estrat�egia [electronic resource].
Material type:
- 2176-0756
- Ibero American strategy journal
- Revista de estrat�egia ibero-americana
- HD30.28 .R475 online
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"Mission: To serve as a vehicle for dissemination of theoretical and applied research in the strategy area broadly defined to include that study of strategy across organizations, nations, markets, and in society in general."--English Focus and scope page.
Articles in Portuguese; abstracts, tables of contents, and keywords in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Description based on: V. 8, n.1 (janeiro/junho 2009); title from pdf editorial page (publisher website, viewed September 25, 2013).
Latest issue consulted: V. 12, n.1 (janeiro/mar�co 2013) (publisher website, viewed September 25, 2013).