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Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict.

By: Material type: TextTextSeries: Advances in industrial and labor relations ; v. 22.Publication details: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016.Description: 1 online resourceContent type:
  • text
Media type:
  • computer
Carrier type:
  • online resource
  • 1786350599
  • 9781786350596
Subject(s): Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: Print version:: Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict.DDC classification:
  • 658.4053 23
LOC classification:
  • HD42
Online resources:
Front Cover; Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction: New Research on Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict: Setting the Stage; The Nature of Workplace Conflict; Forces Affecting the Transformation of the Workplace; Globalization and Immigration; Technological Change; The Segmentation of the Workforce; The Changing Workforce and Lagging Wages; The Decline of the Labor Movement; The Decline of Hierarchy and the Rise of Teams; The Rise of ADR; The Advantages of ADR; The Disadvantages of ADR.
Integrated Conflict Management SystemsNew Empirical and Conceptual Insights: Chapters in this Volume; Acknowledgments; References; Conflict and Employment Relations in the Individual Rights Era; Conceptualizing Individual Rights Era Employment Relations; Elaboration and Application of the Model; Structures of Rights; System of Enforcement; Mechanisms of Representation; Sources of Power; Patterns of Practices; Applications of the Model; Conclusions; Notes; References; Resolving Workplace Conflicts through Litigation: Evidence, Analysis, and Implications.
Labor and Employment Litigation: Wages and HoursManager and Employee Misclassification; Independent Contractor versus Employee Status; Labor Market Competition and "No Poaching"; Executive Compensation; Implications for Workplace Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice; Notes; References; Remedy-Seeking Responses to Discrimination: Does Management-Employee Similarity Matter?; Conceptual Framework; Propensity to Engage in Legal Claiming; Propensity to Engage in Organizational Claiming; Complain to a Manager; File a Grievance; Propensity to Quit; Propensity to Not Seek a Remedy.
Context ImplicationsMethods; Dependent Variables; Management-Employee Similarity Measures and Control Variables; Models and Estimator; Limitations; Results; Results for Measures of Management-Employee Similarity; Model 1; Model 2; Model 3; Results for Gender and Race; Gender; Race; Results for Control Variables; Measures of Employer's ADR Practices; Other Control Variables; Robustness Check; Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Research; Notes; References; Employment Lawyers and Mandatory Arbitration: Facilitating or Forestalling Access to Justice?; Motivation for Study; Data.
Employment Attorney Survey ResultsFactors Affecting Attorney Case Selection Decisions; Arbitration Claimant and Claim Characteristics; Conclusion; Notes; References; Further Readings; Beyond Repeat Players: Experience and Employment Arbitration Outcomes in the Securities Industry; Theories of Repetition; Motivation for Studying the FINRA System; Hypotheses; Data and Methods; Descriptive Results; Regression Analysis; Discussion of Main Effects; Testing for Heterogeneity; Conclusion; Notes; References; Networked Dispute Resolution: The National Implementation Body in Irish Industrial Relations.
Summary: Volume 22 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations focuses on new approaches to managing resolving workplace disputes and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) from both theoretical and empirical perspectives and includes contributions from leading international scholars, including J. Ryan Lamare, William K Roche and Paul L. Latreille.
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Print version record.

Front Cover; Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction: New Research on Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict: Setting the Stage; The Nature of Workplace Conflict; Forces Affecting the Transformation of the Workplace; Globalization and Immigration; Technological Change; The Segmentation of the Workforce; The Changing Workforce and Lagging Wages; The Decline of the Labor Movement; The Decline of Hierarchy and the Rise of Teams; The Rise of ADR; The Advantages of ADR; The Disadvantages of ADR.

Integrated Conflict Management SystemsNew Empirical and Conceptual Insights: Chapters in this Volume; Acknowledgments; References; Conflict and Employment Relations in the Individual Rights Era; Conceptualizing Individual Rights Era Employment Relations; Elaboration and Application of the Model; Structures of Rights; System of Enforcement; Mechanisms of Representation; Sources of Power; Patterns of Practices; Applications of the Model; Conclusions; Notes; References; Resolving Workplace Conflicts through Litigation: Evidence, Analysis, and Implications.

Labor and Employment Litigation: Wages and HoursManager and Employee Misclassification; Independent Contractor versus Employee Status; Labor Market Competition and "No Poaching"; Executive Compensation; Implications for Workplace Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice; Notes; References; Remedy-Seeking Responses to Discrimination: Does Management-Employee Similarity Matter?; Conceptual Framework; Propensity to Engage in Legal Claiming; Propensity to Engage in Organizational Claiming; Complain to a Manager; File a Grievance; Propensity to Quit; Propensity to Not Seek a Remedy.

Context ImplicationsMethods; Dependent Variables; Management-Employee Similarity Measures and Control Variables; Models and Estimator; Limitations; Results; Results for Measures of Management-Employee Similarity; Model 1; Model 2; Model 3; Results for Gender and Race; Gender; Race; Results for Control Variables; Measures of Employer's ADR Practices; Other Control Variables; Robustness Check; Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Research; Notes; References; Employment Lawyers and Mandatory Arbitration: Facilitating or Forestalling Access to Justice?; Motivation for Study; Data.

Employment Attorney Survey ResultsFactors Affecting Attorney Case Selection Decisions; Arbitration Claimant and Claim Characteristics; Conclusion; Notes; References; Further Readings; Beyond Repeat Players: Experience and Employment Arbitration Outcomes in the Securities Industry; Theories of Repetition; Motivation for Studying the FINRA System; Hypotheses; Data and Methods; Descriptive Results; Regression Analysis; Discussion of Main Effects; Testing for Heterogeneity; Conclusion; Notes; References; Networked Dispute Resolution: The National Implementation Body in Irish Industrial Relations.

Volume 22 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations focuses on new approaches to managing resolving workplace disputes and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) from both theoretical and empirical perspectives and includes contributions from leading international scholars, including J. Ryan Lamare, William K Roche and Paul L. Latreille.

Includes bibliographical references.

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