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The feedback loop :

Furtak, Erin Marie,

The feedback loop : using formative assessment data for science teaching and learning / Erin Marie Furtak, Howard M. Glasser, Zora M. Wolfe. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Part 1. Elements of the feedback loop -- part 2. Using the feedback loop.

Drawing on research-based findings and the experiences of both new and veteran classroom teachers, this guide offers practical ideas for middle and high school teachers, regardless of discipline. The first chapters introduce the Feedback Loop framework; highlight the four elements of goals, tools, data, and inferences; and explore how to close the loop by connecting inferences and goals through feedback. Later chapters show how to use the full loop to inform your instruction.

9781681400051 1681400057


Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Evaluation.
Science--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Evaluation.
Science--Ability testing.
Educational tests and measurements.
Effective teaching.
EDUCATION / Elementary
Educational tests and measurements.
Effective teaching.
Science--Ability testing.
Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Evaluation.
Science--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Evaluation.

Electronic books.

