Luwian and Hittite studies presented to J. David Hawkins on the occasion of his 70th birthday / Itamar Singer, editor.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9789652660411
- 9652660418
- 9789652260437
- 9652260436
- At head of title: I pamati kistamati pari tumatimis
- Hawkins, John David -- Bibliography
- Hawkins, David
- Hittites
- Hittite language
- Hittites -- Religion
- Festschriften
- Luwian language
- Turkey -- Antiquities
- Hethiter
- Luwisch
- Luwisch
- Hethiter
- HISTORY / Ancient / General
- Antiquities
- Festschriften
- Hittite language
- Hittites
- Hittites -- Religion
- Luwian language
- Turkey
- 939.2 23
- DS66 .L89 2010
Print version record.
Includes bibliographical references.
"Publications by J. David Hawkins": pages xiii-xx.
Luwians in Aleppo? / Sanna Aro -- Sites, routes and historical geography in central Anatolia / Gojko Barjamovic -- On Hittite dreams / Gary Beckman -- Shortened names in Emar and elsewhere / Yoram Cohen -- Kurunta e l'Anatolia occidentale / Stefano de Martino -- The wooden horse : some possible bronze age origins / Donald F. Easton -- Il fragmento di lettera KBo 8.14 : un nuovo tentativo di interpretazione / Mauro Giogieri -- The Luwian demonstratives of place and manner / Petra M. Goedgebuure -- Souvenirs anatoliens / Hatice Gonnet -- Bermerkungen zu der hethitischen Phrase "und sie begannen ihre H�auser zu Fressen" / Volkert Haas -- Asyndeton bei Vorangestellten temporalen Nebens�atzen mit der Konjunktion Kuwapi / Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer -- The bulls on the seals of Muwatalli II / Susanne Herbordt -- The political antithesis and foil of the Labarna / Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.
Dumanli Kane : a politicised landscape in late bronze age Anatolia / Roger Matthews -- Some disputed passages in the Tawagalawa letter / Jared L. Miller -- Seals and sealings of Karkami�s, part III / Clelia Mora -- 'Writing' in hieroglyphic Liwian / Annick Payne -- Unn nuovo frammento in Luvio geroglifico da Ancoz (Ancoz 12) / Massimo Poetto -- Further comments on a Hittite kinship term / Jacquie Pringle -- The new values of Luwian signs L 319 and L 172 / Elizabeth Rieken, Ilya Yakubovich -- After the empire : observations on the early iron age in central Anatolia / J. Seeher -- A lost seal of Talmi-Re�sub / Itamar Singer -- The hieroglyphic Luwian signs L. 255 and 256 and once again Karatepe XI / Theo van den Hout -- Notes on the Hittite funerary ritual for a prince or a princess / Calvert Watkins -- A Hittite seal from Kaman-Kaleh�oy�uk / Mark Weeden -- Remarks on the Hittite cuneiform script / Gernot Wilhelm.
Articles in English and German.
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