Photochemistry : new research / Abigail B. Smith and Nathan A. Johnson, editors.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781628086164
- 1628086165
- 541/.35 23
- QD708.2
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Description based on print version record and cip data provided by publisher.
PHOTOCHEMISTRY ; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA ; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 PHOTOPROTECTIVE ROLE OF MYCOSPORINE-LIKE AMINO ACIDS ; Abstract ; 1. Introduction ; 2. Location and Biosynthesis ; 3. Isolation and Identification ; 4. Structure ; 5. Biological Roles ; 6. Photoprotective Role ; 6.1. Porphyra-334 ; 6.2. Shinorine ; 6.3. Palythine; 6.4. Deactivation Process at the Molecular Level ; 7. Conclusions and Outlook; Acknowledgments ; References ; Chapter 2 BICARBONATE-ENHANCED PHOTOCATALYTICDEGRADATION OF PHENOL:COMPETITION WITH EXCESS ORGANIC MATTER ; Abstract.
Introduction Experimental Section ; Reagents and Materials ; Irradiation Experiments ; Results and Discussion; Effect of Bicarbonate on the Degradation of Phenol with 2-Propanol ; Conclusion ; Acknowledgments ; References ; Chapter 3 CONFORMATIONAL RELAXATIONOF EXCITONS IN CONJUGATED POLYMERS:A STOCHASTIC MECHANICAL MODEL. APPLICATIONTOPPV(POLY-PHENYLENEVINYLENE)ANDP3HT(POLY-THIOPHENE)OLIGOMERS; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. MechanicalModel; 3. StochasticModel; 4. ViscosityModel; 4.1. ElasticShearModulusofPureSubstances(Ghost); 4.2."Entropic"ShearModulusofCarbonChains(Gsidechains)
4.3. ShearModulusinMulticomponentSolutions5. ShearStressK ; 6. ResultsandDiscussion; 6.1. Comparison Between Experimental, C tentialModelandCParticle/SurfaceModelforCalculatedRelaxationTimes3; 6.2. ModelExtensiontoSystemswithSingleSidedChainsorWith-outChainsatAll; 7. Conclusion; Acknowledgment; 8. Appendix; 8.1. FormFactors; 8.2. StochasticDifferentialEquations; 8.3. ASimplerAlternative; 8.4. ConversiontoaDifferenceEquation; 8.5. ConstitutiveRelationsforViscoelasticMaterials; References.
Chapter 4 QUENCHING OF FLAVIN TRIPLETSBY AMINO ACIDS AND HYDROPHILIC CAROTENOIDS:INVESTIGATIONSBASEDONLASERFLASHPHOTOLYSISANDE-TYPEDELAYEDFLUORESCENCEAbstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Notation, BackgroundandMotivationfortheStudy; 3. ExperimentalMethods; 4. ResultsandAnalysis; 4.1. DelayedEmission:Identi cationandCharacteristics; 4.2. QuenchingExperiments; 4.3. LaserFlashPhotolysis; 5. ConcludingRemarks; Acknowledgments; References; INDEX.
The study of chemical reactions that proceed with the absorption of light by atoms or molecules is known as photochemistry. Everyday examples include photosynthesis, the degradation of plastics, and the formation of vitamin D with sunlight. In this book, the authors discuss new research in photochemistry, including the photoprotective role of mycrosporine-like aminoacids; bicarbonate-enhanced photocatalytic degradation of phenol; conformational relaxation of excitons in conjugated polymers; and the quenching of flavin triplets by amino acids and hydrophilic carotenoids.
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