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Austro-Marxism : the ideology of unity / edited by Mark E. Blum, William Smaldone.

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Historical materialism book seriesPublisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2015Description: 1 online resource (volumes cm.)Content type:
  • text
Media type:
  • computer
Carrier type:
  • online resource
  • 9789004306349
  • 900430634X
Uniform titles:
  • Austro-Marxism (Brill)
Subject(s): Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: Print version:: Austro-MarxismDDC classification:
  • 335.43/4 23
LOC classification:
  • HX253 .A975 2015eb
Online resources:
""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Part 1. Introduction""; ""Introduction""; ""Part 2. Overview of Austro-Marxist Theoreticians""; ""Max Adler""; ""Otto Bauer""; ""Karl Renner""; ""Friedrich Adler""; ""Otto Neurath""; ""Rudolf Hilferding""; ""Part 3. The Translated Theoretical Texts of the Austro-Marxists""; ""Max Adler""; ""Max Adler 1930, �a�˜The New Concept of Sociation�a�™, Chapter XIV, in Lehrbuch der Materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung, Berlin: E. Laubsche Verlagsbuchhandlung""
""Max Adler 1936, �a�˜The Activity of Consciousness�a�™, in The Enigma of Society: Towards an Epistemological-Critical Foundation of the Social Sciences, Vienna: Saturn Verlag, pp. 121�a�"40""""Max Adler 1936, �a�˜Social Being and Social Science�a�™, in The Enigma of Society: Towards an Epistemological-Critical Foundation of the Social Sciences, Vienna: Saturn Verlag, pp. 178�a�"200""; ""Max Adler 1922, �a�˜Excursus on Anarchism�a�™, in Die Staatsauffassimg des Marxismus, Marx-Studien, Volume 4, Part 2, Vienna: Verlag der Wienervolksbuchhandlung, Chapters XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, pp. 217�a�"312""
""Max Adler 1924, �a�˜The Given in Ethics�a�™, in Das Soziologishe in Kants Erkenntniskritik: Ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Naturalismus und Kritizismus [The Sociological in Kant�a�™s Epistemology: A Contribution to the Controversy between Naturalism and Critical Method], Vienna: Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, pp. 17�a�"39""""Otto Bauer""; ""Otto Bauer 1907, �a�˜The Concept of Nation�a�™, in The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy, Vienna: Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, pp. 109�a�"38""; ""Otto Bauer 1908, �a�˜Remarks on the Question of Nationalities�a�™, Die Neue Zeit, XXV, pp. 792ff.""
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Print version record.

""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Part 1. Introduction""; ""Introduction""; ""Part 2. Overview of Austro-Marxist Theoreticians""; ""Max Adler""; ""Otto Bauer""; ""Karl Renner""; ""Friedrich Adler""; ""Otto Neurath""; ""Rudolf Hilferding""; ""Part 3. The Translated Theoretical Texts of the Austro-Marxists""; ""Max Adler""; ""Max Adler 1930, �a�˜The New Concept of Sociation�a�™, Chapter XIV, in Lehrbuch der Materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung, Berlin: E. Laubsche Verlagsbuchhandlung""

""Max Adler 1936, �a�˜The Activity of Consciousness�a�™, in The Enigma of Society: Towards an Epistemological-Critical Foundation of the Social Sciences, Vienna: Saturn Verlag, pp. 121�a�"40""""Max Adler 1936, �a�˜Social Being and Social Science�a�™, in The Enigma of Society: Towards an Epistemological-Critical Foundation of the Social Sciences, Vienna: Saturn Verlag, pp. 178�a�"200""; ""Max Adler 1922, �a�˜Excursus on Anarchism�a�™, in Die Staatsauffassimg des Marxismus, Marx-Studien, Volume 4, Part 2, Vienna: Verlag der Wienervolksbuchhandlung, Chapters XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, pp. 217�a�"312""

""Max Adler 1924, �a�˜The Given in Ethics�a�™, in Das Soziologishe in Kants Erkenntniskritik: Ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Naturalismus und Kritizismus [The Sociological in Kant�a�™s Epistemology: A Contribution to the Controversy between Naturalism and Critical Method], Vienna: Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, pp. 17�a�"39""""Otto Bauer""; ""Otto Bauer 1907, �a�˜The Concept of Nation�a�™, in The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy, Vienna: Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, pp. 109�a�"38""; ""Otto Bauer 1908, �a�˜Remarks on the Question of Nationalities�a�™, Die Neue Zeit, XXV, pp. 792ff.""

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