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The Jan.-Dec. issues, 1950, and the Jan.-Feb. issues, 1951, called v. 187, v. 190, no. 1-2, respectively, to correspond with the numbering of the institute's Transactions vols.; original vol. numbering resumed with v. 3, no. 3. Mar. 1951.

Volumes for 1949-Apr. 1950 issued by the Mining Branch, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; May 1950- by the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; <Jan. 1965-> by the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers; <Dec. 1979-> by the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME; <July 1995-> by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration.

Formed by the union of: Mining technology (York, Pa.); and, Coal technology (York, Pa.); and, in part: Mining and metallurgy (New York, N.Y. : 1920).

Beginning in 1949 the institute publishes 3 vols. of its Transactions a year, each vol. appearing as a section in one of the institute's journals; i.e. v. 184 in Mining engineering, v. 185 in Journal of metals, v. 186 in Journal of petroleum technology, etc. The vol. numbering of the Transactions appearing in Mining engineering is dropped beginning with the Mar. 1951 issue. Material for <1991-> republished in: Transactions of Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration.