Kerridge, Clive (Personal Name)
Whittington, Richard. Exploring strategy, 2020: title page (Clive Kerridge)
Aston Business School WWW site, viewed March 5, 2020 Marketing & Strategy page (Clive Kerridge; Marketing and Strategy Department; a practitioner-academic, he has had a career in international business management; he joined Aston Business School staff as a Lecturer in Strategy from September 2016, previously being a sessional lecturer and module leader; Senior Lecturer (Strategy in Organisations), The Business School, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, 2010-2016; his teaching and research focus is on business strategy and management education; he is an advisor to the annual Universities Business Challenge programme, Cases Editor for the textbook Exploring strategy, and is currently involved in developing postgrad and executive education units for international business strategy and M&A studies; he originally qualified as a materials engineer, first lecturing at Coventry University; Director, KvH International Ltd., 2006-; Group Projects Director, Foseco plc, 2003-2006; Group CEO, Fosbel SA group, Brussels, 1999-2003; Area Director (S. Europe), Foseco/ Burmah Castrol Chemicals; CEO Servimétal SA, 1997-1999; MA in Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Oxford; Advanced Management Programme, INSEAD Business School, France; Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, University of Gloucestershire; Charted Professional Engineer; Chartered Environmentalist; Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and of IoM3; academic member, Chartered Institute of Management)
Companies House WWW site, viewed March 5, 2020 (Clive Kerridge; date of birth, December 1950; Director, KvH International Ltd)