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Asst. Prof. Dr. Tong Dong Ling

Name Asst. Prof. Dr. Tong Dong Ling
Current Position Senior Lecturer
Faculty/Department Faculty of Engineering & Computing
Programme -
Email Address
Telephone No. (Office) 03 – 77273200 ext. 365
Educational Background
  • Ph.D in Bioinformatics, Bournemouth University, UK (2010)
  • MSc. In Computing, Northumbria University, UK (2001)
  • BSc. In Information Technology & Business Information Systems, Middlesex University (1998)
  • Working Experience
  • Lecturer, First City University College (2016 – Present)
  • Lecturer, Kolej Bandar Utama, Malaysia (2015)
  • Research Fellow, Edinburgh University, UK (2014 – 2015)
  • Research Associate, Nottingham Trent University, UK (2010 – 2014)
  • Personal Assistant, Neuro-Lab Limited, Bournemouth, UK (2006 – 2010)
  • Lecturer, HELP Institute, Malaysia (2001 – 2004)
  • Lecturer, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Perak, Malaysia (1998 – 2000)
  • Research Interest Bioinformatics, Data Analytic, Machine Learning
    Honours/Awards/Grants -
    List of Publications
  • DL Tong and CSK Lee (2018). A systems biology approach to model gene-gene interaction for childhood sarcomas. The 18th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE’18. 344-347.
  • HC Wong, CSK Lee and DL Tong (2018). Pathway analysis of marker genes for leukemia cancer using Enhanced Genetic Algorithm-Neural Network (enGANN). The 18th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE’18. 118-121.
  • DL Tong and GR Ball (2014). Exploration of leukemia gene regulatory networks using systems biology approach. The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM’14. 68-73.
  • C Coveney, DL Tong, DJ Boocock, RC Rees and GR Ball (2014). Exploration of ovarian cancer microarray data focusing on gene expression patterns relevant to survival using artificial neural networks. In: International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, IWBBIO’14. 116-123.
  • DL Tong and GR Ball (2013). Pattern recognition of multidimensional PBMC flow cytometry histograms for prostate cancer identification. In: International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, IWBBIO’13. 509-516.
  • DL Tong, C Coveney and G Ball (2012). MS-Labeller: Bioinformatics support for quality assessment on high resolution mass spectrometry sample. In: Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS international conference on biomedical and health informatics, BHI'12. 964-967.
  • DL Tong (2010). Extracting informative genes from unprocessed microarray data. In: X Wang, DS Yeung and LL Lai (editors), Proceedings of the ninth international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, ICMLC'10. Vol 1, pp. 439-443.
  • GK Dhondalay, DL Tong and G Ball (2011). Estrogen receptor status prediction for breast cancer using artificial neural network. In: X Wang, DS Yeung and LL Lai (editors), Proceedings of the tenth international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, ICMLC'11. Vol 2,727-731.
  • DL Tong, K Phalp, A Schierz and R Mintram (2009). Innovative hybridisation of genetic algorithms and neural networks in detecting marker genes for leukaemia cancer. In: V Kadirkamanathan et al. (editors), Supplementary proceedings of the fourth IAPR international conference on pattern recognition in bioinformatics, PRIB'09.
  • DL Tong (2009). Hybridising genetic algorithm-neural network (GANN) in marker genes detection. In: X Wang, DS Yeung and LL Lai (editors), Proceedings of the eighth international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, ICMLC'09. Vol 2, pp. 1082-1087.
  • DL Tong, K Kempsell, T Szakmany, G Ball (2020). Development of a Bioinformatics framework for identification and validation of genomic biomarkers and key immunopathology processes and controllers in infectious and non-infectious severe inflammatory response syndrome. Frontiers in Immunology (In-press)
  • LK Moey, KS Goh, DL Tong, PL Chong, NM Adam, KA Ahmad (2020). A review on current energy usage and potential of sustainable energy in Southeast Asia countries. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 15(2): 89-107.
  • N Aghaeepour, P Chattopadhyay, M Chikina, S Van Gassen, M Kursa, M Malek, Y Qian, P Qiu, Y Saeys, R Stanton, D Tong, S Wang, G Finak, G Nolan, R Gottardo, T Mosmann, RH Scheuermann, RR Brinkman (2015). A benchmark for evaluation of algorithms for identification of cellular correlates of clinical outcomes. Cytometry A., 89(1):16-21. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22732. Epub 2015 Oct 8.
  • DL Tong, GR Ball and AG Pockley (2015). gEM/GANN: A multivariate computational strategy for auto-characterizing relationships between cellular and clinical phenotypes and predicting disease progression time using high-dimensional flow cytometry data. Cytometry A SI: Computational Data Analysis of High Dimensional Cytometry Data. 87(7):616-23. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22622. Epub 2015 Jan 8
  • DL Tong, DJ Boocock, GK Dhondalay, C Lemetre and GR Ball (2014). Artificial neural network inference (ANNI): a study on gene-gene interaction for biomarkers in childhood sarcomas. PLoS ONE, 9(7):e102483.
  • DL Tong, DJ Boocock, C Coveney, J Saif, SG Gomez, S Querol, R Rees and GR Ball (2011). A simpler method of preprocessing MALDI-TOF MS data for differential biomarker analysis: Stem cell and melanoma cancer studies. Clin. Proteomics, 8(1):14.
  • DL Tong and AC Schierz (2011). Hybrid genetic algorithm neural network: Feature extraction for unpreprocessed microarray data. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol 53, pp. 47-56.
  • DL Tong and R Mintram (2010). Genetic algorithm neural network (GANN): a study of neural network activation functions and depth of genetic algorithm search applied to feature selection. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol 1, No 1-4, pp. 75-87.

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