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Economic, political, and social issues of the Caucasus region /

Economic, political, and social issues of the Caucasus region / Arthur T. Laine, editor. - 1 online resource. - - Caucasus region political, economic and security issues . - Caucasus region political, economic and security issues. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; Contents; Preface; Security Issues and Implications for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia*; Abstract; Introduction; Overview of U.S. Policy; External Security Context; Overview; Internal Security Problems and Progress; Political and Social Disorder; U.S. Policy and Issues; U.S. Security and Law Enforcement Assistance; Safety of U.S. Citizens and Investments; Issues for Congress; Appendix 1: Selected Players; References; Political Developments in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia*; Abstract; Most Recent Developments; Background. Overview of U.S. Policy ConcernsObstacles to Peace and Independence; Regional Tensions and Conflicts; Economic Conditions, Blockades, and Stoppages; Democratization and Human Rights Problems; The South Caucasus's External Security Context; Russian Involvement in the Region; The Roles of Turkey, Iran, and Others; U.S. Aid Overview; U.S. Security Assistance; U.S. Trade and Investment; Energy Resources and U.S. Policy; 109th Congress Legislation; H. Con. Res. 195 (Schiff); H.R. 3361 (Knollenberg)/S. 2461 (Santorum); H.R. 3103 (Schiff); H.R. 5122 (Hunter); H.R. 5522 (Kolbe). H. Res. 316 (Radanovich)/S. Res. 320 (Ensign)H. Res. 326 (Gallegly)/S. Res. 226 (Biden)/S. Res. 260 (Biden); S. 2749 (Brownback); S. 4014 (Lugar); S. Res. 69 (Lugar); S. Res. 139 (Reid); S. Res. 344 (McCain); References; Anti-Georgian Hysteria; References; 2005: A Year of Corruption, Fraud, Intrigue, Protest and Some Progress in the Caucasus; Abstract; Introduction; Intrigue in Azerbaijan; American and European Interests in Azerbaijan; Developments Preceding the Parliamentary Elections; Azadliq and the Azeri Super Rich; Parliamentary Elections; The OSCE's Findings; Aliyev's Initial Response. Aliyev Swings his Big StickManaged Democracy; What the West Should Do; Armenia and the Millennium Challenge Corporation; Georgia: Bush in, Russians Out; Some Europeans Critical of Saakashvili; Russian Troop Withdrawals; Other Georgian-Russian Issues; Two Jolts to Georgian-Russian Relations; Recent Developments Regarding Abkhazia and South Ossetia; Year Ends on Sour Note; Conclusion; References; Bringing Peace to Chechnya? Assessments and Implications*; Abstract; Background; Elections and Peace-Making; The Constitutional Referendum; Chechnya's October 2003 Presidential Election. The Assassination of Akhmad Kadyrov andthe August 2004 Chechen Presidential Election; The November 2005 Chechen Legislative Election; Federal Elections; Implications for Chechnya and Russia; Implications for U.S. Interests; References; Azerbaijan's 2005 Legislative Election: Outcome and Implications for U.S. Interests; Abstract; Background; The Campaign; Results; Implications for Azerbaijan; Implications for U.S. Interests; References; Armenia: A Country Study; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Preface; Introduction; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Country Profile; Country; Geography; Economy.


9781612091969 1612091962



Economic history.
Politics and government

Caucasus--Politics and government--21st century.
Caucasus--Economic conditions--21st century.

Electronic books.

