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Information theory :

Information theory : new research / Pierre Deloumeaux and Jose D. Gorzalka, editors. - 1 online resource. - Mathematics research developments Engineering tools, techniques and tables . - Mathematics research developments series. Engineering tools, techniques and tables. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Information theory and biological sequences : insights from an evolutionary perspective / Elements for a new information theory based on fractional calculus via modified Riemann-Liouville derivative / Two-phase flows entropy in gravity cascade separation / The role of information theory in gene regulatory network inference / A quatum/classical-processing signal separation method for two qubits with cylindrical-symmetry Heisenberg coupling / Fisher information, thermodynamics and Schrodinger equation / Generalized inference for the difference between two means in location-scale families / Recent advances toward the Nascent Science of Quantum Information Chemistry / Ivan Erill -- Guy Jumarie -- E. Barsky -- Enrique Hern�andez-Lemus and Claudia Rangel-Escareno -- Y. Deville and A. Deville -- A. Plastin and A.R. Plastino -- Fuqi Chen and S�ev�erien Nkurunziza -- Rodolfo O. Esquivel [and others].


9781621003953 1621003957


Information theory.
COMPUTERS--Information Theory.
Information theory.

Electronic books.
Electronic books.

