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Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions.

Finkelstein, Sydney.

Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. - Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016. - 1 online resource - Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions ; v. 15 .

Front Cover; Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction; The Role of Thriving and Training in Merger Success: An Integrative Learning Perspective; Introduction; Theoretical Framework and Review of Literature; The Costs of Poor Integration in M Flogging a Dead Horse? Creating a Positive Climate in Order to Arrest the Downward Spiral of Negativity; Role of Training during M Thriving; The Role of Training in Inducing Thriving and Psychological Empowerment; Psychological Empowerment as a Determinant of Thriving; Research Methodology. Research Design and SamplingInstrument; Analysis; Results of the Study; Results of Regression Analysis; Discussion and Conclusion; Implications of the Study; Limitations of the Study; References; On the Role of the Political Regime in the Choice between International Acquisitions and Joint Ventures when Entering an Em ... ; Literature Review and Theory Development; Acquisition Versus JV; Political Regimes and Entry Modes; Empirical Setup; Sample; Estimation Methodology and Model; Independent Variables; Control Variables; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Notes; Acknowledgment; References. Cultural Due Diligence in Mergers and AcquisitionsManaging Culture throughout the M & A Process; Cultural Due Diligence: A Review of Research; A Framework for Culture Due Diligence; Understand Your Own Culture First; Clarify the Cultural Dynamics; Conduct Data-Driven Cultural Due Diligence; Social Media Data Analysis; External Stakeholder Interviews; HR Data and Document Review; Internal Stakeholder Interviews; Use a Framework to Integrate and Synthesize Findings; Planning for Transition and Integration: Keeping Culture on the Table; Conclusion; References. Transitional Governance Trajectories: Organization, Place, and SpaceIntroduction; Overview of Extant Transitional Governance Literature; Alliances and Acquisitions: From Independent to Interdependent Governance Choices; TG: Theoretical Foundations; Empirical Evidence on TG Trajectories; Incorporating Insights from Economic Geography; TG across Place and Space; How Can Economic Geography Inform TG?; Initiation Decision; Exercise Decision; Conclusion and Research Agenda; Geography-Related Uncertainty; Geographic Distance versus Border Crossing; The Multilocation Nature of TG Actors; Conclusion. NotesAcknowledgment; References; Are Mergers and Acquisitions Socially Responsible? Evidence from the Banking Industry; Introduction; From Corporate Financial Performance to Corporate Social Performance in M Theoretical Background; Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Social Performance; Stakeholder Theory; Acquisitions as Multistakeholder Deals; The Intesa-Sanpaolo Experience; Discussion and Conclusions; References; Interaction of Cultural and Technological Distance in Cross-Border, High-Technology Acquisitions; Introduction; Theory and Hypotheses Development; Technology Distance.

Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions stands out from the competition due to its focus on three key characteristics: studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives.

1786353938 9781786353931 9781786353948 1786353946

945370 MIL

Consolidation and merger of corporations.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Industrial Management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Management Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Organizational Behavior.
Consolidation and merger of corporations.

Electronic books.

