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Nanomaterials for water remediation :

Nanomaterials for water remediation : carbon-based materials volume 1 / editor: Ajay Kumar Mishra. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographical references and Index.

This Volume describes the various carbon materials being used to develop more cost-effective and high-performance water treatment systems. Nanomaterials are being used to develop more cost-effective and high-performance water treatment systems. In the field of water research, nanomaterials have been extensively utilised for the treatment and remediation, in addition to pollution prevention, of this vital resource. Remediation is the process of transforming the toxic substances in polluted water to below the limits stipulated by national/international guidelines. Volume 1 focuses on the carbon-based materials employed for water remediation. This book contains detailed information on various carbon materials including: carbon nanotubes, nanofibres, nanocellulose, dendrimers, mesoporous materials, molecularly imprinted materials, polymeric membranes and waste-derived nanocarbon materials. Polluted water is the main cause of severe environmental and health problems, and it is a well-established fact that carbon-based materials are very effective in the removal of both organic and inorganic pollutants from wastewater.

9781523105434 1523105437 9781910242544 1910242543

939514 MIL

Nanostructured materials--Industrial applications.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Environmental / General

Electronic books.

TD477 / .N356 2016 v.1
