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Fracture and fatigue of materials and structures :

Fracture and fatigue of materials and structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 15th Polish Conference on Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue, September 15-18, 2015, Kielce, Poland / edited by Jaroslaw Galkiewicz. - 1 online resource - Solid State Phenomena ; Volume 250 . - Diffusion and defect data. Pt. B, Solid state phenomena ; v. 250. .

This collection of papers is related to actual problems from area of research of fatigue of materials and structures, fracture mechanics, void nucleation, void growth. In several articles are shown a new, sometimes futuristic, experimental techniques. Presented material will be useful for researchers and engineers from different branches of industry. Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue, Fatigue Life, Void Nucleation, Void Growth, Finite Element Modeling Materials Science.

9783035702583 3035702586

TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING--Engineering (General)

Electronic books.
Conference papers and proceedings.

TA418.38 / .P65 2015
