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Urbanization and public health in China /

Urbanization and public health in China / Mu Li & Yang Feng Wu. - 1 online resource

ReferencesChapter Two Population Aging: Social Consequences and Challenges; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Economic Implications; 2.2.1 The negative impact of aging on economic development in China; 2.2.2. The factors mitigating the impact of aging on china's economy; 2.3 Health Service Delivery System; 2.3.1 The challenge confronted by the health service delivery system; 2.3.2 Efforts to improve the health service delivery system; 2.4 Long-term Care; 2.4.1 The traditional old age support system is under threat; 2.4.2 Establishing a national long-term care system; 2.5 Pension System

Foreword; About the Contributors; Introduction; References; Chapter One Demographic and Health Change in the Context of Urbanization in China; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Demographic Change in the Context of Urbanization in China; 1.2.1 Birth and fertility; 1.2.2 Mortality and life expectancy; 1.2.3 Age structure and aging; 1.3 Transitions in Patterns of Health in the Context of Urbanization in China; 1.3.1 The change in the epidemic pattern of major diseases in China; 1.3.2. The characteristics of health patterns in the rapid development period of urbanization; 1.4. Conclusion 2.5.1 Chinese pension system under pressure from aging population2.5.2 The emerging consequences and measures taken by the government; 2.6 Age-Friendly Cities; 2.6.1 Urbanization and the need for age-friendly cities; 2.6.2 The progress of age-friendly cities in china; 2.7 Conclusion; References; Chapter Three Surveillance of Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Modifiable Behavioral Risk Factors for NCDs; 3.2.1 Smoking and tobacco use; 3.2.2 Alcohol consumption; 3.2.3 Unhealthy diet: high fat intake; 3.2.4 Unhealthy diet: high salt intake 3.2.5 Physical inactivity3.3 Pre-NCD Metabolic Conditions; 3.3.1 Hypertension; 3.3.2 Cholesterol; 3.4 Diabetes; 3.5 Being Overweight and Obesity; 3.6 Conclusion; References; Chapter Four Urbanization and Road Traffic Injury in China; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Changes in Modes of Transportation; 4.3 Increased Demand on Road Network Capacity; 4.4 Need to Improve the Structure and Utilization of the Urban Transport System; 4.5 Need to Establish a Road Safety System; References; Chapter Five Infectious Diseases and Urbanization; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Changes in the Incidence of Common Infectious Diseases5.2.1 Diarrheal diseases; 5.2.2 Bacterial respiratory infections; 5.2.3 Viral respiratory infectious diseases; 5.3 Zoonoses; 5.3.1 Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome; 5.3.2 Brucellosis; 5.4 The Relationship Between Chinese Urbanization and the Changing Epidemic of Infectious Diseases; 5.4.1 Environmental factors; 5.4.2 Economic factors; 5.4.3 Medical factors; 5.4.4 Social behavior; 5.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter Six Childhood Obesity: The Chinese Perspective; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction

9781783268559 1783268557


Urban health--China.
City planning--Health aspects--China.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Security
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare
City planning--Health aspects.
Urban health.
Environmental Health--China.
Environmental Pollutants--adverse effects--China.


Electronic books.
Electronic books.

RA566.5.C6 / U73 2015


WA 671