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Globalization and the colonial origins of the great divergence :

De Zwart, Pim,

Globalization and the colonial origins of the great divergence : intercontinental trade and living standards in the Dutch East India Company's commercial empire, c. 1600-1800 / by Pim de Zwart. - 1 online resource (x, 290 pages) - Global economic history series ; volume 11 . - Global economic history series ; v. 11. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface -- Introduction -- Early modem globalization -- Prices and consumption patterns -- Wages and the standard of living -- Population, households and labour markets -- Conclusion -- Appendices -- Bibliography -- Index.

In Globalization and the Colonial Origins of the Great Divergence Pim de Zwart examines the Dutch East India Company���s intercontinental trade and its effects on living standards in various regions on the edges of the Indian Ocean in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Contrary to conventional views, De Zwart finds significant evidence of the integration of global commodity markets, an important dimension of globalization, before the 1800s. The effects of this globalization, and the associated colonialism, were diverse and could vary between and within regions. As globalization and colonialism affected patterns of economic development across the globe they played a part in the rise of global economic inequality, known as the ���Great Divergence���, in the early modern period.

9789004299665 9004299661

917270 MIL


Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie--History.
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie.

Cost and standard of living--History.
Consumption (Economics)--History.
Globalization--Economic aspects.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Economics--Macroeconomics.
POLITICAL SCIENCE--Economic Conditions.
Consumption (Economics)
Cost and standard of living.
Globalization--Economic aspects.

Electronic books.

HF483.F6 / D4 2016
