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Spermatogenesis :

Spermatogenesis : molecular mechanisms, regulation and biological perspectives / Gladys Robinson, editor. - 1 online resource. - Human reproductive system--anatomy, roles, and disorders series . - Human reproductive system--anatomy, roles, and disorders series. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

SPERMATOGENESIS MOLECULAR MECHANISMS, REGULATION AND BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ; SPERMATOGENESIS MOLECULAR MECHANISMS, REGULATION AND BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ; Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 THE MOLECULAR MECHANISMS UNDERLYING ACROSOME BIOGENESIS ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; 1. ACROSOMAL PROTEIN SYNTHESIS AND MODIFICATION; 2. THE VESICULAR TRAFFICKING OF ACROSOMAL GRANULES DURING ACROSOME BIOGENESIS ; 2.1. ER-Golgi-Acrosome Vesicular Trafficking ; 2.1.1. Acrosomal Protein Transport from the ER to the Golgi. 2.1.2. Golgi-Derived Vesicular Trafficking2.2. Endocytic Vesicular Trafficking; 2.3. Cytoskeletal Transportation during Acrosome Biogenesis ; 3. THE ANCHORING OF THE ACROSOME TO THE NUCLEUS ; 4. THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE ACROSOME ; 5. THE ACROSOME, MODIFIED LYSOSOME OR AUTOLYSOSOME? ; CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ; REFERENCES ; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ; Chapter 2 REGULATORY ROLE OF NONCODING RNAS DURING SPERMATOGENESIS ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; MICRORNAS IN SPERMATOGENESIS ; miRNAs Biogenesis ; Function of miRNAs in Spermatogenesis. ENDOGENOUS SMALL-INTERFERING RNAS IN SPERMATOGENESIS Endo-siRNAs Biogenesis ; Function of Endo-siRNAs in Spermatogenesis ; PIWI-INTERACTING RNAS IN SPERMATOGENESIS; piRNA and PIWI Machinery ; Prepachytene piRNAs ; Pachytene piRNAs ; piRNA Biogenesis ; piRNA Function in Spermatogenesis ; Silence of Transposons and Maintenance of Genome Integrity ; Degradation of RNAs ; Genomic Imprinting ; Regulation of mRNA Translation ; Proteins Associated with PIWI/piRNA Machinery ; LONG NONCODING RNAS IN SPERMATOGENESIS ; Classification of lncRNAs ; Mechanistic Models of lncRNAs. LncRNA Profiling in Testis and Male Germ Cells Functional lncRNAs in Spermatogenesis ; Meiotic Recombination Hot Spot Locus (Mrhl) ; HongrES2; Testis-Specific X-Linked (Tsx) ; Dmrt1-Related Gene (Dmr) ; Spermatogonial-Specific lncRNAs (spga-lncRNAs) ; Narcolepsy Candidate-Region 1 Gene (NLC1-C) ; CONCLUSION ; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ; REFERENCES ; Chapter 3 TESTICULAR IMMUNE ENVIRONMENT FOR SPERMATOGENESIS; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; 1. IMMUNE PRIVILEGE IN THE TESTIS ; 1.1. Historical Misconception of Testicular Immune Privilege ; 1.2. Local Immunosuppressive Milieu within the Testis. 1.3. Negative Immunoregulatory Systems1.4. Peripheral Immune Tolerance to Male Germ Cell Antigens ; 2. RESIDENT LEUKOCYTES IN THE TESTIS ; 2.1. Macrophages ; 2.2. Lymphocytes ; 2.3. Mast Cells ; 2.4. Dendritic Cells (DCs) ; 3. IMMUNE CYTOKINES ; 3.1. Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines ; 3.2. Chemokines ; 4. INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSES IN TESTICULAR CELLS ; 4.1. PRR-Initiated Innate Immune Responses ; 4.2. TLRs in Testicular Cells ; 4.3. RLR-Initiated Antiviral Response in the Testis ; 4.4. Cytosolic DNA Sensors in Leydig Cells ; 5. ORCHITIS ; 5.1. Infectious Orchitis ; 5.2. Autoimmune Orchitis.

9781634847261 1634847261



SCIENCE--Life Sciences--Anatomy & Physiology.

Electronic books.



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