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Religious competition in the Greco-Roman world /

Religious competition in the Greco-Roman world / edited by Nathaniel P. DesRosiers and Lily C. Vuong. - 1 online resource (xviii, 326 pages) - Writings from the Greco-Roman world Supplement series ; Number 10 . - Writings from the Greco-Roman world supplement series ; no. 10. .

"Papers represented in this volume were delivered at the Society of Biblical Literature's Religious Competition in Late Antiquity unit between 2012 and 2014 ... over thirty papers presented at the Society of Biblilcal Literature annual meeting"--Introduction.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: Conflict, cooperation, and competition in antiquity / Nathaniel P. DesRosiers and Lily C. Vuong -- Part 1. Competition and material culture. Introduction: competition and material culture through real and imagined spaces / Gregg E. Gardner -- The perils of idolatrous garb: Tertullian and Christian belonging in Roman Carthage / Carly Daniel-Hughes -- The philosopher type in late Roman art: problematizing cultural appropriation in light of cultural competition / Arthur P. Urbano Jr. -- Suns, snakes, and altars: competitive imagery in Constantinian numismatics / Nathaniel P. DesRosiers -- "Built from the plunder of Christians": words, places, and competing powers in Milan and Callinicum / Catherin M. Chin -- Part 2. Competition and Neoplatonism. Introduction: defining competition in Neoplatonism / Todd Krulak -- Origen's allegoresis of Plato's and scripture's "myths" / Ilaria L.E. Ramelli -- The Neoplatonic transmission of ancient wisdom / Gregory Shaw -- Julian's philosophy and his religious program / Laura B. Dingeldein -- Part 3. Religious experts and popular religion. Introduction: competition between experts and nonexperts / Daniel Ullucci -- Why expert versus nonexpert is not elite versus popular religion: the case of the third century / Stanley K. Stowers -- Great is the mystery of piety: contested claims to piety in Plutarch, Philo, and 1 Timothy / T. Christopher Hoklotubbe -- Nuptial imagery, Christian devotion, and the marriage debate in late Roman society / Karl Shuve -- Competing for the competitors: Jewish and Christian responses to spectacle / Loren R. Spielman -- Part 4. Competiton and relics. Introduction: the competition for relics in late antiquity / Susan Ashbrook Harvey -- Relics? what relics? / Mary Joan Winn Leith and Allyson Everingham Sheckler -- A hair's breadth: the prophet Muhammad's hair as relic in early Islamic texts / Adam Bursi -- Promoting a cult site without bodily relics: sacred substances and imagined topography in The Syriac life of Symeon the Stylite / Dina Boero -- From Asclepius to Simeon: votives and sacred healing in late antiquity / Gary Vikan.

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Christianity and other religions--Congresses.
Christianity and other religions--Roman--History--Congresses.
Christianity and other religions--Greek--History--Congresses.
Church history--Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600--Congresses.
RELIGION--Comparative Religion.
Christianity and other religions.
Church history.
Church history--Primitive and early church.
Interfaith relations.

Rome (Empire)

Electronic books.
Conference papers and proceedings.
Conference papers and proceedings.

