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A drama of the southwest :

Toomer, Jean, 1894-1967.

A drama of the southwest : the critical edition of a forgotten play / Jean Toomer ; edited by Carolyn J. Dekker. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction: Jean Toomer, Striking Experience in the South and Southwest -- A Note on the Text -- Dramatis Personae -- A Drama of the Southwest -- Appendix A: Holograph Version of Scene 4 -- Appendix B: Fragments from the Holograph -- Appendix C: Toomer's Notes.

"Jean Toomer (1894--1967) was a modernist writer, a member of the Harlem Renaissance, and briefly part of the literary and artistic community that grew up around Mabel Dodge Luhan in Taos, New Mexico. This book, a critical edition of a previously unpublished 1935 manuscript, makes A Drama of the Southwest available to readers for the first time. The play provides a vivid glimpse into the social world of the artists who mined Taos for creative and spiritual renewal in the early twentieth century, and editor Dekker provides cultural and literary historical context, arguing for Toomer's continuing creative power and significance at a time in his career that has been largely overlooked by critics"--Publisher's website.

9780826356390 0826356397


Artist colonies--New Mexico--Taos--Drama.
American drama--20th century.
American drama.
Artist colonies.

New Mexico--Taos.

Electronic books.

PS3539.O478 / D73 2016eb
