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Dry needling for manual therapists :

Gyer, Giles,

Dry needling for manual therapists : points, techniques and treatments, including electroacupuncture and advanced tendon techniques / Giles Gyer, Jimmy Michael and Ben Tolson. - London : Singing Dragon, 2016. - 1 online resource (315 pages) : color illustrations - Online access with DDA: Askews (Medicine) .

Dry Needling for Manual Therapists -- Points, Techniques and Treatments, Including Electroacupuncture and Advanced Tendon Techniques by Giles Gyer, Jimmy Michael and Ben Tolson; PART I -- BACKGROUND; Chapter 1 -- Introduction; Chapter 2 -- A Short History of Acupuncture; PART II -- THEORIES AROUND DRY NEEDLING AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE; Chapter 3 -- Myofascial Pain andTrigger Points; Chapter 4 -- Physiological Mechanismof Acupuncture in Pain Control; Chapter 5 -- Unifying Theories of Acupuncture -- Fascia, Piezoelectricity and Embryology; Chapter 6 -- Current Research into Dry Needling. PART III -- PREPARING FOR TREATMENTChapter 7 -- Safety Aspects of Dry Needling; Chapter 8- Palpation; Chapter 9 -- Deqi; Chapter 10 -- Planning Treatment; PART IV -- NEEDLING TECHNIQUES; Chapter 11 -- Muscles -- Techniques and Clinical Implications; Supraspinatus; Infraspinatus; Deltoid; Subscapularis; Teres minor; Latissimus dorsi and teres major; Rectus femoris; Vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis; Pectoralis minor; Coracobrachialis; Biceps brachii; Triceps; Masseter; Temporalis; Upper trapezius; Levator scapula; Splenius capitis and cervicis; Suboccipitals. SternocleidomastoidThoracic and lumbar multifidus; Rhomboid major and minor; Quadratus lumborum; Cervical multifidus; Lumbar erector spinae; Scalenes; Wrist flexors -- flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpiulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexordigitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus; Wrist extensors -- extensor carpi radialislongus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensorcarpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum; Supinator; Pronator teres; Serratus anterior; Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus; Obturator; Tensor fasciae latae; Piriformis; Adductor; Gracilis; Sartorius. Semimembranosus, semitendinosusand biceps femoris (hamstrings)Popliteus; Gastrocnemius and soleus; Plantaris; Peroneals; Tibialis anterior and posterior; Chapter 12 -- Electroacupuncture; Chapter 13 -- Tendinopathy and Tendon Techniques; Subject Index; Author Index.

A comprehensive and practical handbook to medical acupuncture for treating musculoskeletal (MSK) problems. Perfect for use in clinic, it includes fully-illustrated instruction on MSK medical acupuncture and electro-acupuncture points and techniques, guidance on safety and treatment planning and overviews of the theory behind the practice. Designed to be a go-to reference for assessment and treatment planning in the clinic, this is a clear and concise handbook for students and practitioners of dry needling, or medical acupuncture. It includes: Comprehensive medical illustrations demonstrating trigger point locations and associated pain referral patterns Easy-to-follow instructions and photographs demonstrating musculoskeletal dry needling points and electroacupuncture techniques Dedicated section on the acupuncture treatment of tendinopathy Vital information on palpation and correct needling techniques Practical guidance on best practice, safety and treatment planning Overviews of the history and key principles of Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture Up-to-date research on the effect of acupuncture in the treatment of MSK conditions, myofascial pain, trigger points (MTrPS), fascia and pain. The book will be an essential aid for osteopaths, physiotherapists, sports rehabilitators, chiropractors, massage therapists, as well as traditional acupuncturists wishing to understand a Western approach on acupuncture. Other health professionals incorporating, or looking to incorporate dry needling into their treatment programme, will also find this book an invaluable resource.

9780857012029 0857012029

888984 MIL

GBB604393 bnb

017695967 Uk

Musculoskeletal system--Acupuncture.
Acupuncture points.
Physical therapists.
Acupuncture Therapy.
Acupuncture Therapy--methods.
Pain Management.
Acupuncture points.
Musculoskeletal system--Acupuncture.
Physical therapists.

Electronic books.

RC925.5 / .G94 2016eb


2016 C-896 WB 369