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English Legal Terminology - Legal Concepts in Language.

Gubby, Helen.

English Legal Terminology - Legal Concepts in Language. - 1 online resource - Boom juridische studieboeken . - Boom juridische studieboeken. .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-258) and index.

Cover; English legal terminology: Legal concepts in language; Preface to the fourth edition; Preface to the first edition: acknowledgments; Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1: Legal system terminology; 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 THE COURT STRUCTURE; 2.1 England; 2.2 United States; 2.2.1 Federal court structure; 2.2.2 State court structure; 2.3 Translation note; 2.4 Alternatives to the courts; 3 THE LEGAL PROFESSION; 3.1 England; 3.1.1 Solicitor; 3.1.2 Barrister; 3.2 United States; 3.3 Judges in the common law system; 3.3.1 The jury; 4 OPERATION OF A COMMON LAW SYSTEM; 4.1 Legislation. 4.1.1 The English system4.1.2 The system in the United States; 4.2 Equity; 4.3 The common law: case law; 4.3.1 Binding precedent; 4.3.2 Case reports; 4.3.3 Appeal; Legal system terminology in context; Legal system vocabulary; Legal system discussion questions; Legal system knowledge questions; Chapter 2: Civil procedure terminology; 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 CIVIL PROCEDURE IN ENGLAND; 2.1 The civil courts in England; 2.1.1 Magistrates' Court; 2.1.2 The Family Court; 2.1.3 County Court; 2.1.4 The High Court; 2.1.5 The Appeal Courts; 2.1.6 Other civil courts; 2.2 Civil procedure reforms in England. 2.3 Commencing civil proceedings in England2.3.1 The claimant; 2.3.2 Bringing an action; 2.3.3 Defending an action; 2.3.4 Statements of case; 2.4 Summary judgment; 2.5 Settlement; 2.6 Case management; 2.6.1 Order for disclosure of documents; 2.6.2 Interim remedies; 2.7 Trial; 2.7.1 The trial timetable; 2.7.2 Evidence; 2.7.3 The burden and standard of proof; 2.8 Appeal; 2.9 Costs; 2.9.1 Awards of costs; 2.9.2 Legal fees; 2.10 Enforcement of judgments; 2.10.1 Seizure of goods; 2.10.2 Third party debt orders; 2.10.3 Charging orders; 2.10.4 Equitable receivership; 2.10.5 Non-money judgments. 2.11 Judicial review3 CIVIL PROCEDURE IN THE UNITED STATES; 3.1 Civil jurisdiction in the United States; 3.2 Commencing proceedings in the United States; 3.2.1 The plaintiff; 3.2.2 Bringing an action; 3.2.3 Defending an action; 3.3 Motion to dismiss and summary judgment; 3.4 Pre-trial; 3.5 Trial; 3.6 Appeal; 3.7 Enforcement of judgments; 3.8 Judicial review; 3.9 Costs; Civil procedure terminology in context; Civil procedure vocabulary; Civil procedure discussion questions and case discussion; Civil procedure knowledge questions; Chapter 3: European Union law terminology; 1 INTRODUCTION. 2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND3 THE MAIN SOURCES OF EU LAW; 3.1 Primary sources of law: the treaties; 3.2 Secondary sources: secondary legislation; 3.2.1 Regulations; 3.2.2 Directives; 3.2.3 Decisions; 3.2.4 Non-binding measures; 3.3 General principles of EU law; 3.3.1 Proportionality; 3.3.2 Legal certainty; 3.3.3 Procedural rights; 3.3.4 Principle of equality; 3.3.5 Protection of human rights; 3.4 Decisions of the Court of Justice; 4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EU LAW AND NATIONAL LAW; 4.1 Principle of supremacy and the principle of conferral.

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LAW--General Practice.
LAW--Paralegals & Paralegalism.
LAW--Practical Guides.

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