Post-Western revolution in sociology :
Roulleau-Berger, Laurence, 1956-
Post-Western revolution in sociology : from China to Europe / by Laurence Roulleau-Berger ; translated by Nigel Briggs. - 1 online resource (ix, 223 pages) - Post-Western Social Sciences and Global Knowledge Ser. . - Post-Western Social Sciences and Global Knowledge Ser. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1 Post-Colonial Studies and Global Studies -- 2 The Decline of the Western Hegemony -- 3 The Invention of a Post-Western Sociology -- Part 1 -- Post-Western Revolution in Sociology: From China to Europe -- Introduction to Part 1 -- Chapter 1 -- Epistemic Injustice and New Frontiers of Knowledge -- 1 Epistemic Injustice and Autonomy -- 2 What is Post-Western Sociology? -- 3 Scientific Hegemony and Chinese Sociology -- 4 Reinvention and Internal Frontiers in Chinese Sociology -- Chapter 2 -- Traditions and Controversies -- 1 Epistemological Unpredictability and Scientific Pluralism in Chinese Sociology -- 2 Affiliations, Shifts and Hybridisations between China and Europe -- 3 Chinese Civilisation and Theoretical Variations Today -- 3.1 Chinese Civilisation and General Scope -- 3.2 Schools of Chinese Sociology Today -- 3.3 Constructivisms and Theoretical Variations -- 4 Traditions and Controversies in European Sociology since 1980 -- Chapter 3 -- Fabric of Knowledge and Research Fieldwork -- 1 Research Fieldwork and Methodological Theory -- 1.1 Regional Rationalisms and Fieldwork Sciences -- 1.2 Chinese Singularities -- 1.3 Creating Knowledge and Research Methods -- 2 Multi-situated Sociology and Overlapping Perspectives -- 2.1 Methodological Cosmopolitanism and Multi-situated Sociology -- 2.2 Entering Spaces -- 2.3 Contexts of Meaning and Scopes in Fieldwork Experience -- 2.4 Ethnographies of Recognition and Moral Economies -- 2.5 Politics of Intimacy and Narrative Pact -- 2.6 Translation and Publication -- Part 2 -- Sociological Questions in Europe and in China -- Chapter 4 -- Urban Boundaries, Segregation and Intermediate Spaces -- 1 Social Stratification and Urban Hierarchies in the Chinese City -- 1.1 Urban Society and the New Middle Classes -- 1.2 Segregation and the Rural Population. 1.3 New Underclass and Urban Poverty -- 2 Social Division of Space in the European City -- 3 Migration and Ethnic Boundaries in Cities -- 4 "Foreigners" and "Hobos" in Cities -- 5 Circulations and Marketplaces in Chinese and International Cities -- 6 Civil Society and Intermediate Spaces -- Chapter 5 -- Uncertainty and Economic Institutions -- 1 Uncertainty and economic transformations -- 2 Markets and Economic Institutions -- 3 Professional Relationships and Regimes of Employment -- 4 Youth Confronted with the "Risk Society" -- 5 The Relationship to Work and Generational Effects -- Chapter 6 -- Migrations, Inequalities and Individuation -- 1 Migration Policies and Panoptical Measures -- 2 New Inequalities and Plurality of Migration Routes -- 2.1 Mono-migrations and Linear Routes -- 2.2 Pluri-migrations and Spatial Capital -- 3 Gender, Economic Activities and Migrations -- 4 Migration and Urban Integration -- 5 Migration, Employment and Flexibility -- 6 Social Capital and Migratory Circulations -- 7 Migratory Experiences and Bifurcations -- 8 Migration, Local and Global Stratification -- Chapter 7 -- State, Social Conflict and Collective Action -- 1 State and Citizenship -- 2 Bio-political Apparatuses and Self-government -- 3 Social Conflicts and Mobilisations in China -- 4 New Social Protests in China -- 5 Collective Action, Violences and Riots in Europe -- 6 Social Conflict and Care Policies -- Chapter 8 -- Ecological Risks and Environmental Sociology in Europe and China -- 1 Social-ecological Change, Inequalities and Environmental Injustice -- 2 Risks, Multi-governance and Bio-political Order -- 3 Geographies of Care and Communities of Destiny -- 4 Conciliation, Negotiation and Disputes -- 5 Regimes of Action, Capabilities and Re-socialisation -- Part 3 -- Continuities and Discontinuities of Theoretical Knowledge -- Introduction to Part 3. Chapter 9 -- Continuities of Knowledge and Common Concepts -- 1 Structural Processes, Dominations and Resistances -- 2 Social Stratification and Inequalities -- 3 Mobility and Contemporary Societies -- 4 Social Networks and Social Capital -- 5 Autonomy and Subjectivity -- 6 Frontiers of We and Me -- Chapter 10 -- Discontinuities of Knowledge and Singular Concepts -- 1 Public Space and Pluralisation of Norms -- 2 Subjectivation and the Struggle for Recognition -- 3 Society and Intermediate Spaces in Europe -- 4 Diffused Religiousness in China -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.
Within a movement towards the circulation and globalisation of knowledge, new centres and new peripheries form and new hierarchies appear - more or less discretely - producing competition and rivalry in the development of "new" knowledge. Centres of gravity in social sciences have been displaced towards Asia, especially China. We have entered a period of de-westernization of knowledge and co-production of transnational knowledge. This is a scientific revolution in the social sciences which imposes detours, displacements, reversals. It means a turning point in the history of social sciences. From the Chinese experience in sociology the author is opening a Post-Western Space where after Post-Colonial Studies, she is speaking about the emergence of a Post-Western Sociology .
9789004309982 9004309985
SOCIAL SCIENCE--Anthropology--General.
SOCIAL SCIENCE--Regional Studies.
SOCIAL SCIENCE--Sociology--General.
Social conditions.
China--Social conditions.
Europe--Social conditions.
Electronic books.
HM477.C55 / R68 2016
Post-Western revolution in sociology : from China to Europe / by Laurence Roulleau-Berger ; translated by Nigel Briggs. - 1 online resource (ix, 223 pages) - Post-Western Social Sciences and Global Knowledge Ser. . - Post-Western Social Sciences and Global Knowledge Ser. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1 Post-Colonial Studies and Global Studies -- 2 The Decline of the Western Hegemony -- 3 The Invention of a Post-Western Sociology -- Part 1 -- Post-Western Revolution in Sociology: From China to Europe -- Introduction to Part 1 -- Chapter 1 -- Epistemic Injustice and New Frontiers of Knowledge -- 1 Epistemic Injustice and Autonomy -- 2 What is Post-Western Sociology? -- 3 Scientific Hegemony and Chinese Sociology -- 4 Reinvention and Internal Frontiers in Chinese Sociology -- Chapter 2 -- Traditions and Controversies -- 1 Epistemological Unpredictability and Scientific Pluralism in Chinese Sociology -- 2 Affiliations, Shifts and Hybridisations between China and Europe -- 3 Chinese Civilisation and Theoretical Variations Today -- 3.1 Chinese Civilisation and General Scope -- 3.2 Schools of Chinese Sociology Today -- 3.3 Constructivisms and Theoretical Variations -- 4 Traditions and Controversies in European Sociology since 1980 -- Chapter 3 -- Fabric of Knowledge and Research Fieldwork -- 1 Research Fieldwork and Methodological Theory -- 1.1 Regional Rationalisms and Fieldwork Sciences -- 1.2 Chinese Singularities -- 1.3 Creating Knowledge and Research Methods -- 2 Multi-situated Sociology and Overlapping Perspectives -- 2.1 Methodological Cosmopolitanism and Multi-situated Sociology -- 2.2 Entering Spaces -- 2.3 Contexts of Meaning and Scopes in Fieldwork Experience -- 2.4 Ethnographies of Recognition and Moral Economies -- 2.5 Politics of Intimacy and Narrative Pact -- 2.6 Translation and Publication -- Part 2 -- Sociological Questions in Europe and in China -- Chapter 4 -- Urban Boundaries, Segregation and Intermediate Spaces -- 1 Social Stratification and Urban Hierarchies in the Chinese City -- 1.1 Urban Society and the New Middle Classes -- 1.2 Segregation and the Rural Population. 1.3 New Underclass and Urban Poverty -- 2 Social Division of Space in the European City -- 3 Migration and Ethnic Boundaries in Cities -- 4 "Foreigners" and "Hobos" in Cities -- 5 Circulations and Marketplaces in Chinese and International Cities -- 6 Civil Society and Intermediate Spaces -- Chapter 5 -- Uncertainty and Economic Institutions -- 1 Uncertainty and economic transformations -- 2 Markets and Economic Institutions -- 3 Professional Relationships and Regimes of Employment -- 4 Youth Confronted with the "Risk Society" -- 5 The Relationship to Work and Generational Effects -- Chapter 6 -- Migrations, Inequalities and Individuation -- 1 Migration Policies and Panoptical Measures -- 2 New Inequalities and Plurality of Migration Routes -- 2.1 Mono-migrations and Linear Routes -- 2.2 Pluri-migrations and Spatial Capital -- 3 Gender, Economic Activities and Migrations -- 4 Migration and Urban Integration -- 5 Migration, Employment and Flexibility -- 6 Social Capital and Migratory Circulations -- 7 Migratory Experiences and Bifurcations -- 8 Migration, Local and Global Stratification -- Chapter 7 -- State, Social Conflict and Collective Action -- 1 State and Citizenship -- 2 Bio-political Apparatuses and Self-government -- 3 Social Conflicts and Mobilisations in China -- 4 New Social Protests in China -- 5 Collective Action, Violences and Riots in Europe -- 6 Social Conflict and Care Policies -- Chapter 8 -- Ecological Risks and Environmental Sociology in Europe and China -- 1 Social-ecological Change, Inequalities and Environmental Injustice -- 2 Risks, Multi-governance and Bio-political Order -- 3 Geographies of Care and Communities of Destiny -- 4 Conciliation, Negotiation and Disputes -- 5 Regimes of Action, Capabilities and Re-socialisation -- Part 3 -- Continuities and Discontinuities of Theoretical Knowledge -- Introduction to Part 3. Chapter 9 -- Continuities of Knowledge and Common Concepts -- 1 Structural Processes, Dominations and Resistances -- 2 Social Stratification and Inequalities -- 3 Mobility and Contemporary Societies -- 4 Social Networks and Social Capital -- 5 Autonomy and Subjectivity -- 6 Frontiers of We and Me -- Chapter 10 -- Discontinuities of Knowledge and Singular Concepts -- 1 Public Space and Pluralisation of Norms -- 2 Subjectivation and the Struggle for Recognition -- 3 Society and Intermediate Spaces in Europe -- 4 Diffused Religiousness in China -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.
Within a movement towards the circulation and globalisation of knowledge, new centres and new peripheries form and new hierarchies appear - more or less discretely - producing competition and rivalry in the development of "new" knowledge. Centres of gravity in social sciences have been displaced towards Asia, especially China. We have entered a period of de-westernization of knowledge and co-production of transnational knowledge. This is a scientific revolution in the social sciences which imposes detours, displacements, reversals. It means a turning point in the history of social sciences. From the Chinese experience in sociology the author is opening a Post-Western Space where after Post-Colonial Studies, she is speaking about the emergence of a Post-Western Sociology .
9789004309982 9004309985
SOCIAL SCIENCE--Anthropology--General.
SOCIAL SCIENCE--Regional Studies.
SOCIAL SCIENCE--Sociology--General.
Social conditions.
China--Social conditions.
Europe--Social conditions.
Electronic books.
HM477.C55 / R68 2016