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Seeing Motion :

Schuler, Romana Karla.

Seeing Motion : a History of Visual Perception in Art and Science / Romana Karla Schuler. - De Gruyter : De Gruyter, 2015. - 1 online resource (304 pages) - Edition Angewandte . - Edition Die Angewandte, University Press. .

Includes bibliographical references.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ; PREFACE: On Theories and Art in Visualizing (Apparent)-Motion ; Acknowledgements ; PART 1: On the Study of Apparent Motion, Apparent Corporeality and Apparent Spatiality ; Seeing as a Scientific Topic ; The Beginnings of the Study of Apparent Motion. An Individual Way of Seeing: Jan Evangelista Purkinje The Explanation of an Optical Illusion: Peter Mark Roget ; The First Motion Picture Machine: Joseph Plateau ; The Phenakistoscope or the Stroboscopic Disk ; Inventions with Stroboscopic Effects ; The Talbot-Plateau law of 1834/35. Gustav Theodor Fechner's Subjective colors Four notes on Afterimages ; Experiments on the Simulation of Riparian Illusion with the oppel Antirheoscope ; Z�ollner's Illusion ; Reflections on Z�ollner's Illusion: Wilhelm Filehne. Hermann helmholtz and the new Physiological optics in the nineteenth century helmholtz's Experiments on Visual Sensations ; Ernst Br�ucke: The Advantage of Intermittent Retina Stimuli ; Josef czermak: Thoughts on Speed during Motional Illusions. The Influence of Psychophysics on Mach's Experiments Mach's Series of Experiments on light Stimulus on the Retina ; Mach's Experiments on Sensation of Movement and Afterimages of Movement ; Studies in Movement: The Mach Drum.

Der zentrale Fokus dieser Publikation ist die Synthese von Wissenschaft und Kunst im Bereich der visuellen Wahrnehmung, insbesondere der Einfluss der im 19. Jahrhundert einsetzenden Wahrnehmungsforschung zu Illusionen, kinetischen Scheinfiguren und Scheinbewegungen auf die apparative/ maschinelle, kinetische Kunst des 20. und auf die computergest�utzte visuelle Kunst des 21. Jahrhunderts.

9783110422993 3110422999 9783110423037 3110423030 9783110426960 311042696X

10.1515/9783110422993 doi 9783110426960

888773 MIL

Visual perception--History.
Art and science--Psychology.
Visual perception.
Visuell perception--historia.

Electronic books.

N7430.5 / .S38 2016