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Team cohesion :

Team cohesion : advances in psychological theory, methods and practice / edited by Eduardo Salas, William B. Vessey, Armando X. Estrada. - First edition. - 1 online resource - Research on managing groups and teams ; volume 17 . - Research on managing groups and teams ; v. 17. .

Includes bibliographical references.

On the function and structure of group cohesion / Jamie B. Severt, Armando X. Estrada -- Cohesion with large collectives : a multi-team systems perspective / Gia A. DiRosa, Armando X. Estrada, Arwen H. DeCostanza -- Team cohesion and individual well-being : a conceptual analysis and relational framework / Adam J. Vanhove, Mitchel N. Herian -- Team cohesion : a theoretical consideration of its reciprocal relationships within the team adaptation nomological network / M. Travis Maynard [and others] -- Measuring and monitoring the dynamics of team cohesion : methods, emerging tools, and advanced technologies / Jessica M. Santoro [and others] -- What matters for team cohesion measurement? A synthesis / Rebecca Grossman [and others] -- Selecting and composing cohesive teams / Suzanne T. Bell, Shanique G. Brown -- Leadership models for team dynamics and cohesion : the Mars mission / Francis J. Yammarino [and others] -- Mitigating stress effects on team cohesion / Tripp Driskell, James E. Driskell, Eduardo Salas -- Conflict, trust, and cohesion : examining affective and attitudinal factors in science teams / Stephen M. Fiore, Dorothy R. Carter, Raquel Ascencio.

This volume will document the state-of the-science (and practice) on what contributes to effective team cohesion in complex teams. The volume will contain recent developments on theory-building, methodology and the practice of team cohesion.

9781785602825 1785602829 1785602837 9781785602832

GBB5C6345 bnb

017546247 Uk

Teams in the workplace--Management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Industrial Management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Management Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Organizational Behavior.
Personnel & human resources management.
Management & management techniques.
Business & management.
Teams in the workplace--Management.

Electronic books.


