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Creating stunning dashboards with QlikView :

Villafuerte, Juli�an,

Creating stunning dashboards with QlikView : bring real business insights to your company through effective and engaging dashboards in QlikView / Juli�an Villafuerte ; foreword by Bill Lay. - 1 online resource : illustrations - Professional expertise distilled . - Professional expertise distilled. .

Includes index.

Cover; Copyright; Credits; Foreword; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Know Your Battlefield, Devise Your Strategy; Dashboards in perspective; Step 1 -- define your audience; Step 2 -- spot the business need; Step 3 -- choose the right KPIs; Metrics that matter; Step 4 -- get to know your data sources; Step 5 -- tell a story; Step 6 -- enjoy the process; Creating the perfect dashboard; Don't overdo it; Embrace simplicity; Timely feedback; Summary; Chapter 2: All about Dashboard Design Best Practices; Dashboard design best practices Gestalt principlesGiving context to the data; Data-Ink Ratio; Avoiding chart junk; Balance; Excessive precision; 3-D charts; Sorting; Alignment and distribution; Animations; Avoid scroll bars; Consistency; White space; Applying makeup; Meaningless variety; Choosing your weapon; Level of accuracy; Types of analysis; Bar charts; Dot plots; Line charts; Stacked area charts; Combo charts; Slope charts; Radar charts; Pie charts; Other area charts; Stacked bar charts; Scatter plots; Tables; Gauges and other forms of display for KPIs; Other representations; Summary Chapter 3: First Things First -- The Dashboard StructureDashboard style; Document style; Fonts; Colors; Backgrounds; Design resolution; Layout and distribution; Filter panes; Filter presentation; Hidden Filter Pane; Current selections; General navigation; Tab row; Showing and hiding objects; Logos; Summary; Chapter 4: It's Not Only about Charts; Text objects; More than simple labels; Displaying KPIs; Creating hierarchies; Selection prerequisites; Controlling variables; Transparent buttons; Creating switches; Interactive KPI display; Unconventional visualizations; Handcrafted dashboards; Tables Enhancing the classics: tips and tricksTwin bar chart; Completion chart; Dot plot; Waterfall chart; Waterfall chart -- Vol. 2; Control chart; Slope chart; Variance highlight; Line styles; Bar heat map; Summary; Chapter 6: Creating Complex Visualizations; Histograms; Scatter plots; How to read this chart; Color highlight; Gauges, gauges, gauges!; Geographic representations; Is that a table?; The waffle chart; Table infographics; Heat maps; Overlapping objects; Range charts; Overlapping charts -- other examples; Crusted line chart; Pie gauge; Area infographics; Extensions; Summary

9781785288579 1785288571 1782175733 9781782175735

CL0500000671 Safari Books Online

Dashboards (Management information systems)
Business intelligence--Computer programs.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Industrial Management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Management Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Organizational Behavior.
Dashboards (Management information systems)

Electronic books.
Electronic books.

