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Romanic review

Romanic review [electronic resource]. - New York : Columbia University Press, 1910- New York, N.Y. : Dept. of Romance Languages, Columbia University New York, NY : Dept. of French and Romance Philology of Columbia University Durham, North Carolina : Duke University Press - Three times a year, 2020- - Four no. a year - Began with v. 1 (Jan. 1910).

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Issued by the Dept. of Romance Languages, Columbia University, 1938- ; by the Dept. of French and Romance Philology, Columbia University,

= Romanic review = Rom. rev.


(AMICUS)000001335547 2231427-1 DE-600 009228050 Uk 002385338 IsJJNL

Romance philology--Periodicals.
Romance-language literature--Periodicals.
Litt�erature romane--P�eriodiques.
Philologie romane--P�eriodiques.
Romance-language literature.
Romance philology.
Romaanse talen.

Electronic journals.

PC1 / .R7
