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NACTA journal

NACTA journal [electronic resource]. Issues for 2009- called also: Annual issue NACTA annual issue National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture journal North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture journal Issues for have title: Journal of the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture - [Urbana, Ill.] : National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture [Rupert, Idaho] : North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture - Annual, 2009- - Quarterly, 1975-2008 - Began with vol. 7, no. 2 (1963).

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Has supplements.

= NACTA journal = NACTA j.

Murray Brown, NACTA, P.O. Box 2088, San Houston State Univ., Huntsville, TX 77340

sc 78002255

012414706 Uk

Agricultural education--Periodicals.
Professeurs d'agriculture--Formation--P�eriodiques.
Agricultural education.

Electronic journals.

S530 / .N33

275.9 / N213