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Design drawing /

Ching, Frank, 1943-

Design drawing / Fancis D.K. Ching with Steven P. Juroszek. - New York : John Wiley, 1998. - vi, 346 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.).

Accompanying CD-ROM held at Circulation Desk ; DD1604, DD1605. Includes index.

"Design Drawing covers the traditional basics of drawing, including line, shape, tone, and space. Different types of artistic conventions such as multiview, paraline, and perspective drawings are also lucidly explained. The final section, "Drawing from the Imagination," fuels the creative spirit to find its own direction. Throughout the book you'll find over 1,500 hand-rendered drawings and exercises which reinforce the concepts and lessons of each chapter." "The supplemental CD-ROM is packed with brilliant gems of information and instruction, elucidating a broad range of design drawing concepts through the communicative power of animation, video, and three-dimensional models. Intended for use with the book or as a stand-alone supplement, the CD-ROM includes 25 interactive lessons which demonstrate concepts and techniques in a way that a 2-D book format cannot. For example, the CD-ROM contains video of the author demonstrating freehand techniques in a step by step manner, as well as the authors voice throughout the CD-ROM explaining the various lessons." "For professional architects, designers, fine artists, illustrators, teachers and students alike."--BOOK JACKET.

System requirements for the accompanying CD-ROM: Windows and Macintosh.


Architectural drawing--Technique.
