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Management accounting /

Atkinson, Anthony A.

Management accounting / Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, S. Mark Young. - 5th ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2007. - xxv, 656 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes index.

Ch. 1. Management accounting : information that creates value -- Ch. 2. Cost management concepts and cost behavior -- Ch. 3. Traditional cost management systems -- Ch. 4. Activity-based cost systems -- Ch. 5. Management accounting information for activity and process decisions -- Ch. 6. Cost information for pricing and product planning -- Ch. 7. Management accounting and control systems : assessing performance over the value chain -- Ch. 8. Motivating behavior in management accounting and control systems -- Ch. 9. The balanced scorecard -- Ch. 10. Using budgets to achieve organizational objectives -- Ch. 11. Capital budgeting : long-term assets -- Ch. 12. Financial control.


Managerial accounting.
