Rapunzel /
Baxter, Nicola.
Rapunzel / based on the story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm / retold by Nicola Baxter ; illustrated by Martin Aitchison. - Loughborough : Ladybird, 1993. - [25] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - Favourite tales . - Favourite tales. .
0721415571 9780721415574
English fiction.
Fairy tales--Juvernile fiction.
Children's stories.
Rapunzel / based on the story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm / retold by Nicola Baxter ; illustrated by Martin Aitchison. - Loughborough : Ladybird, 1993. - [25] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - Favourite tales . - Favourite tales. .
0721415571 9780721415574
English fiction.
Fairy tales--Juvernile fiction.
Children's stories.