The epistle of forgiveness, or : a pardon to enter the garden / by Abu l-�Al�a� al-Ma�arri ; preceded by Ibn al-Qari's Epistle ; translated by Geert Jan Van Gelder and Gregor Schoeler ; foreword by Matthew Reynolds. by
- Ab�u al-�Al�a� al-Ma�arr�i, 973-1057 [author.]
- Gelder, G. J. H. van [translator, editor.]
- Schoeler, Gregor [translator, editor.]
- Ab�u al-�Al�a� al-Ma�arr�i, 973-1057. Ris�alat al-ghufr�an
- Ab�u al-�Al�a� al-Ma�arr�i, 973-1057. Ris�alat al-ghufr�an
- Ibn al-Q�ari�h, �Al�i ibn Man�s�ur, 962-. Ris�alat Ibn al-al-Q�arih
- Ibn al-Q�ari�h, �Al�i ibn Man�s�ur, 962-. Ris�alat Ibn al-al-Q�arih
Series: Library of Arabic literature
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Arabic Original language: Arabic Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 2016
Other title: - Pardon to enter the garden
Availability: No items available.
Love is my savior : the Arabic poems of Rumi / translated and edited by Nesreen Akhtarkhavari and Anthony A. Lee. by
- Jal�al al-D�in R�um�i, Maulana, 1207-1273
- Akhtarkhavari, Nesreen [translator,, editor.]
- Lee, Anthony A, 1947- [translator,, editor.]
Series: Arabic literature and language series
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Language: English Original language: Arabic Publisher: East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, [2016]
Availability: No items available.
Brains confounded by the ode of Abu Shaduf expounded / Yusuf Ibn Mu�hammad Ibn �Abd al-Jawad Ibn Khi�dr al--Shirbini ; edited and translated by Humphrey Davies. by
- Shirb�in�i, Y�usuf ibn Mu�hammad, active 1665-1687 [author.]
- Davies, Humphrey T. (Humphrey Taman) [editor,, translator.]
- Shirb�in�i, Y�usuf ibn Mu�hammad, active 1665-1687. Hazz al-qu�h�uf f�i shar�h qa�s�id Ab�i Sh�ad�uf
- Shirb�in�i, Y�usuf ibn Mu�hammad, active 1665-1687. Hazz al-qu�h�uf f�i shar�h qa�s�id Ab�i Sh�ad�uf
Series: Library of Arabic literature
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Arabic Original language: Arabic Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 2016
Availability: No items available.
The sword of ambition : bureaucratic rivalry in medieval Egypt / Ab�u �Amr �Uthm�an ibn Ibrahim al-Nabulusi al-Mi�sr�i ; edited and translated by Luke B. Yarbrough. by
- N�abulus�i, �Uthm�an ibn Ibr�ah�im, active 1235 [author.]
- Yarbrough, Luke B [editor, translator.]
- N�abulus�i, �Uthm�an ibn Ibr�ah�im, active 1235. Luma� al-qaw�an�in al-mu�d�iyah f�i daw�aw�in al-diy�ar al-Mi�sr�iyah
- N�abulus�i, �Uthm�an ibn Ibr�ah�im, active 1235. Tajr�id sayf al-himmah li-istikhr�aj m�a f�i dhimmat al-dhimmah
Series: Library of Arabic literature
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Arabic Original language: Arabic Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 2016
Availability: No items available.
Risible rhymes : or, The book to bring a smile to the lips of devotees of taste and proper style through the decoding of a sampling of the verse of the rural rank and file / by God's humble slave, Muhammad ibn Mafu a-Sanhuri ; edited and translated by Humphrey Davies. by
- Sanh�ur�i, Mu�hammad bin Ma�hf�u�z, active 1648 [author.]
- Davies, Humphrey T. (Humphrey Taman) [editor,, translator.]
- Sanh�ur�i, Mu�hammad bin Ma�hf�u�z, active 1648. Mu�d�hik dhaw�i al-dhawq wa-al-ni�z�am f�i �hall shadharah min kal�am ahl al-r�if al-�aw�amm [author.]
- Sanh�ur�i, Mu�hammad bin Ma�hf�u�z, active 1648. Mu�d�hik dhaw�i al-dhawq wa-al-ni�z�am f�i �hall shadharah min kal�am ahl al-r�if al-�aw�amm [author.]
Series: Library of Arabic literature
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Arabic Original language: Arabic Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 2016
Other title: - Book to bring a smile to the lips of devotees of taste and proper style through the decoding of a sampling of the verse of the rural rank and file
Availability: No items available.
Brains confounded by the ode of Abu Shaduf expounded. Volume two / Yusuf al--Shirbini ; edited and translated by Humphrey Davies. by
- Shirb�in�i, Y�usuf ibn Mu�hammad, active 1665-1687 [author.]
- Davies, Humphrey T. (Humphrey Taman) [editor,, translator.]
- Shirb�in�i, Y�usuf ibn Mu�hammad, active 1665-1687. Hazz al-qu�h�uf f�i shar�h qa�s�id Ab�i Sh�ad�uf
- Shirb�in�i, Y�usuf ibn Mu�hammad, active 1665-1687. Hazz al-qu�h�uf f�i shar�h qa�s�id Ab�i Sh�ad�uf
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Arabic Original language: Arabic Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 2016
Availability: No items available.
Unifying the applications and foundations of biomedical and health informatics / edited by John Mantas, Arie Hasman, Parisis Gallos, Aikaterini Kolokathi and Mowafa S. Househ. by
- International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare (14th : 2016 : Athens, Greece)
- Mantas, J. (John) [editor.]
- Hasman, Arie [editor.]
- Gallos, Parisis [editor.]
- Kolokathi, Aikaterini [editor.]
- Househ, Mowafa, 1977- [editor.]
Series: Studies in health technology and informatics ; v. 226.
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands : IOS Press, [2016]Copyright date: �2016
Availability: No items available.