Refutation of all heresies / translated with an introduction and notes by M. David Litwa. by
- Hippolytus, Antipope, approximately 170-235 or 236 [author.]
- Litwa, M. David [translator.]
- Hippolytus, Antipope, approximately 170-235 or 236. Refutation of all heresies
- Hippolytus, Antipope, approximately 170-235 or 236. Refutation of all heresies
Series: Writings from the Greco-Roman world ; v. 40.
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Greek, Ancient (to 1453) Original language: Greek, Ancient (to 1453) Publisher: Atlanta : SBL Press, 2016Copyright date: �2016
Availability: No items available.
Our divine double / Charles M. Stang. by - Stang, Charles M, 1974- [author.]
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2016
Availability: No items available.
A most reliable witness : essays in honor of Ross Shepard Kraemer / edited by Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Nathaniel P. DesRosiers, Shira L. Lander, Jacqueline Z. Pastis, and Daniel Ullucci. by
- Kraemer, Ross Shepard, 1948- [honouree.]
- Harvey, Susan Ashbrook [editor.]
- DesRosiers, Nathaniel P [editor.]
- Lander, Shira L [editor.]
- Pastis, Jacqueline Z [editor.]
- Ullucci, Daniel C [editor.]
Series: Brown Judaic studies ; no. 358.
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : Brown University, [2015]Copyright date: �2015
Availability: No items available.