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Marine ecosystem services : marine ecosystem services in Nordic marine waters and the Baltic Sea, possibilities for valuation / Berit Hasler, Heini Ahtiainen, Linus Hasselstr�om, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, �Asa Soutukorva and Louise Martinsen.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublisher: Copenhagen : Nordic Council of Ministers, [2016]Copyright date: �2016Description: 1 online resourceContent type:
  • text
Media type:
  • computer
Carrier type:
  • online resource
  • 9789289344463
  • 9289344466
Subject(s): Genre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 333.7 23
LOC classification:
  • QH541.15.E267
Online resources:
Executive summary -- Aknowledgements -- Comprehensive summary and conclusions -- Introduction -- Classification of marine ecosystem services -- Ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea -- choice of examples -- Ecosystem services, ecosystem structures and processes in the Baltic Sea -- Linking selected ecosystem goods and services to descriptors and indicators of good environmental status -- Literature study on the value of marine ecosystem services -- Case study on seaside recreation in Denmark and Sweden -- Conclusions and discussions -- References -- The questionnaire used in the case study.
Abstract: Marine Ecosystem Services (MARECOS) is an interdisciplinary study that provides relevant information for national, Nordic and international ecosystem services assessments and valuation in the implementation of marine policy. This report aims to provide suggestions on how ecosystem condition assessments, being based on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), and the HELCOM indicator based assessments for the Baltic Sea, could be used for the assessment of ecosystem services. By describing the potentials of linking data and knowledge describing the status of marine ecosystems and water quality to the values of the services and goods provided, the report offers useful information for policy and decision makers in the domain of the marine and aquatic policies around the Baltic and in the Nordic countries.
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"TemaNord 2016:501."

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Executive summary -- Aknowledgements -- Comprehensive summary and conclusions -- Introduction -- Classification of marine ecosystem services -- Ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea -- choice of examples -- Ecosystem services, ecosystem structures and processes in the Baltic Sea -- Linking selected ecosystem goods and services to descriptors and indicators of good environmental status -- Literature study on the value of marine ecosystem services -- Case study on seaside recreation in Denmark and Sweden -- Conclusions and discussions -- References -- The questionnaire used in the case study.

Marine Ecosystem Services (MARECOS) is an interdisciplinary study that provides relevant information for national, Nordic and international ecosystem services assessments and valuation in the implementation of marine policy. This report aims to provide suggestions on how ecosystem condition assessments, being based on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), and the HELCOM indicator based assessments for the Baltic Sea, could be used for the assessment of ecosystem services. By describing the potentials of linking data and knowledge describing the status of marine ecosystems and water quality to the values of the services and goods provided, the report offers useful information for policy and decision makers in the domain of the marine and aquatic policies around the Baltic and in the Nordic countries.

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