Risible rhymes : or, The book to bring a smile to the lips of devotees of taste and proper style through the decoding of a sampling of the verse of the rural rank and file / by God's humble slave, Muhammad ibn Mafu a-Sanhuri ; edited and translated by Humphrey Davies. by
- Sanh�ur�i, Mu�hammad bin Ma�hf�u�z, active 1648 [author.]
- Davies, Humphrey T. (Humphrey Taman) [editor,, translator.]
- Sanh�ur�i, Mu�hammad bin Ma�hf�u�z, active 1648. Mu�d�hik dhaw�i al-dhawq wa-al-ni�z�am f�i �hall shadharah min kal�am ahl al-r�if al-�aw�amm [author.]
- Sanh�ur�i, Mu�hammad bin Ma�hf�u�z, active 1648. Mu�d�hik dhaw�i al-dhawq wa-al-ni�z�am f�i �hall shadharah min kal�am ahl al-r�if al-�aw�amm [author.]
Series: Library of Arabic literature
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Arabic Original language: Arabic Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 2016
Other title: - Book to bring a smile to the lips of devotees of taste and proper style through the decoding of a sampling of the verse of the rural rank and file
Availability: No items available.
Neuro-developmental treatment : a guide to NDT clinical practice / Judith C. Bierman, Mary Rose Franjoine, Cathy M. Hazzard, Janet M. Howle, Marcia Stamer. by
- Bierman, Judith C [author.]
- Franjoine, Mary Rose [author.]
- Hazzard, Cathy M [author.]
- Howle, Janet M [author.]
- Stamer, Marcia Hornbrook [author.]
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme, [2016]
Availability: No items available.
Design anthropological futures : exploring emergence, intervention and formation / edited by Rachel Charlotte Smith, Ton Otto, Kasper Tang Vangkilde, Joachim Halse, Thomas Binder, and Mette Gislev Kjaersgaard. by - Smith, Rachel Charlotte [editor.]
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc, [2016]
Availability: No items available.
Sports nutrition : a guide for youth sport coaches / editors, Shelley L. Holden and Timothy M. Baghurst (University of South Alabama, Alabama, USA, and others). by
- Holden, Shelley L [editor.]
- Baghurst, Timothy M, 1979- [editor.]
Series: Sports and athletics preparation, performance, and psychology series
Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Hauppauge, New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., [2016]
Availability: No items available.