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Vols. for Apr. 1939-Oct. 1990 issued by: American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers; Jan. 1991- by: Appraisal Institute.

Vols. 1-22, Oct. 1932-Jan. 1955 (Includes index to the former title). 1 v. ; Subject index: Vols. 1-17, no. 1, Oct. 1932-Jan. 1949 (Includes index to the former title); v. 23-31, 1955-63. 1 v.; Vols. 1-37, 1932-69 (Includes index to the former title). 1 v.; Vols. 1-37, 1932-1969 (Includes index to the former title). 1 v.; Vols. 38-48, 1970-80. 1 v.