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Recent advances in superconductivity research /

Recent advances in superconductivity research / Christopher B. Taylor, editor. - 1 online resource. - Physics research and technology Superconductivity research and applications . - Superconductivity research and applications. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

RECENT ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY RESEARCH ; RECENT ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY RESEARCH ; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA ; CONTENTS; PREFACE; CHAPTER 1 EFFECTS OF NON-MAGNETIC DEFECTS IN HOLE DOPED CUPRATES: EXPLORATION OF THE ROLES OF THE UNDERLYING ELECTRONIC CORRELATIONS; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Experimental Samples and Their Characterizations; 3. Experimental Results and Analysis; (a) Effect of Zn on Tc; (b) Effect of Hole Content and Zn on the Pseudogap Energy Scale: Resistive Features. (C) Extraction of the PG Energy Scale from the Bulk Magnetic Susceptibility4. Discussion and Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; CHAPTER 2 COOLING BY HEATING: DEEP CRYOGENIC REFRIGERATION BY PHOTONS BASED ON THE PHONON DEFICIT EFFECT IN SUPERCONDUCTORS ; Abstract ; Introduction ; 1. Phonon Deficit Effect ; 1.1. Essence of the Effect ; 1.2. Superconductors vs. Atoms ; 1.3. The Opportunity of Cooling ; 2. Thermal Rectification ; 3. Phonon Filtering; 4. Quantitative Explorations ; 4.1. The Phonon Heat-Bath Model ; 4.2. Nonequilibrium Electrons ; 4.2.1. Linearized Solutions. 4.2.2. Action of More Intense Fields 4.2.3. Energy Gap in Nonequilibrium Conditions ; 4.3. Nonequilibrium Phonons ; 4.3.1. Phonon-Electron Collision Operator ; 4.3.2. Nonequilibrium Phonon Source ; 5. Net Cooling Effect ; 6. Discussion and Conclusion ; References ; CHAPTER 3 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY DRIVEN BY ANTI-POLAR ELECTRIC PHASE IN HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical Background and Perspective; 3. The Para-Electric Phase in YBa2Cu3O6+x; 4. Temperature Dependence of Polarization in YBa2Cu3O6.9; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; Appendix; References. CHAPTER 4 RECENT ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVE GRAPHITE INTERCALATION COMPOUNDSAbstract; Introduction; Graphite Intercalation Compound; Superconductivity of GIC; Superconductivity of CaC6; Interesting Properties of CaC6; Further Possibilities for Superconductive GICs; Conclusion; Acknowledgment; References; CHAPTER 5 A SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC FIELD CONCENTRATOR WITH NANODIMENSIONAL BRANCHES AND SLITS; Abstract; Introduction; 1. Investigation Procedures; 2. Results and Discussion; Conclusion; References.


9781626184077 1626184070


016416394 Uk

TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING--Superconductors & Superconductivity.

Electronic books.
Electronic books.

