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Input-based tasks in foreign language instruction for young learners /

Shintani, Natsuko,

Input-based tasks in foreign language instruction for young learners / Natsuko Shintani. - 1 online resource - Task-based language teaching : issues, research and practice (TBLT), 9 1877-346X ; . - Task-based language teaching ; v. 9. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Input-based Tasks in Foreign Language Instruction for Young Learners -- Editorial page -- Title page -- LCC data -- Table of contents -- Getting started with task-based teaching -- The starting point -- presentation, practice, production (PPP) -- Moving forward -- task-based language teaching -- Input-based TBLT -- Conclusion -- Task-based language teaching in "difficult" contexts -- Background: "Communicative English ability" in Japan -- English education in the elementary school in Japan -- Issues in implementing TBLT in Japan -- Institutional factors -- Linguistic syllabus versus task-based syllabus -- Examination system -- Classroom factors -- Learners' ability -- Shared L1 -- Large, teacher-centred classrooms -- Unmotivated students -- Teacher factors -- Teachers' knowledge and skills -- Teachers' willingness to innovate -- Dissatisfaction with the status quo -- Support systems -- Conclusion -- Theoretical foundation of task-based language teaching -- What is incidental and intentional learning and how does incidental/intentional language acquisition take place in PPP and TBLT? -- Intentional L2 acquisition -- Incidental L2 acquisition -- Incidental learning in TBLT -- Incidental learning in PPP -- Summary -- How has incidental and intentional language acquisition been compared in previous studies? -- What theoretical perspectives support language acquisition through input? -- Comprehensible input -- Relation between comprehension and acquisition -- In what ways does interaction in the classroom create opportunities for L2 learning? -- Focus on form -- Negotiation of meaning in PPP and TBLT -- Error correction in PPP and TBLT -- Corrective feedback -- Initiate-respond-feedback (IRF) -- Role of output in PPP and TBLT -- What does previous research tell us about task repetition? What do we currently know about how young, beginner L2 learners acquire vocabulary and grammar? -- Learning L2 vocabulary -- Jiang's theory of lexical representation -- The Involvement Load Hypothesis -- Learning L2 Grammar -- What steps can be taken to improve the validity of a comparative method study? -- Issues in research methodologies comparing TBLT and PPP -- Comparative method studies -- Conversation analysis -- Conclusion -- Introducing the comparative method study of PPP and TBLT -- Participants -- Instructional treatments -- Instructional materials and procedures for the PPP group -- Activity 1: Listen and Repeat -- Activity 2: Guess the hidden items -- Activity 3: Throwing dice -- Activity 4: Production Bingo game -- Activity 5: Kim's game -- Instructional materials and procedures for the TBLT group -- Task 1: Help the zoo and the supermarket -- Task 2: Help the animals -- Task 3: Listening Bingo game -- Instructional materials for the control group -- Research design -- Recording and transcribing of lessons -- Target features -- Target vocabulary items -- Target grammatical features -- Testing materials -- Vocabulary tests -- Multiple-choice comprehension test -- Discrete-item production test -- Category task -- Same-or-Different task -- Plural tests -- Plural -s comprehension test -- Wug test -- Copula tests -- Task-based copula 'be' production test: Tell-and-Do Task -- Discrete-item copula be production test: Sentence production test -- Testing order -- Reliability of the testing instruments -- Data analysis -- Conclusion -- Comparing the process features of the two types of instruction -- Turn-taking -- Characteristics of turn-taking in the PPP lessons -- Occurrence of IRF exchanges -- Question type -- Control of turn-taking -- Turns in chorus -- Topic -- Length and frequency of turns -- Summary. Characteristics of turn-taking in the TBLT lessons -- Occurrence of IRF exchanges -- Question types -- Control of turn-taking -- Topic -- Length and frequency of turn -- Summary -- Repair -- Characteristics of repair in the PPP lessons -- Self-initiated self-repair -- Self-initiated other-repair -- Other-initiated self-repair -- Other-initiated other-repair -- Summary -- Characteristics of repair in the TBLT lessons -- Self-initiated self-repair -- Self-initiated other-repair -- Other-initiated self-repair -- Other-initiated other-repair -- Summary -- Differences between the two groups -- Conclusion -- Learning vocabulary through PPP and TBLT -- Test results for nouns -- Test results for adjectives -- Input and output in the classroom -- Frequency of target words in the teacher's and the students' production -- Types of teacher production -- Types of learner production -- Discussion -- Why did both TBLT and the PPP show similar results for nouns? -- Why did the TBLT group perform better than the PPP group in the category task for nouns? -- Why did the TBLT group perform better than the PPP group for adjectives in all four tests? -- Vocabulary acquisition and task-induced involvement load -- Conclusion -- Incidental acquisition of grammatical features in PPP and TBLT -- Test results -- Data Analysis -- Discussion -- Discussion -- Data analysis -- Test results -- Conclusion -- Theoretical implications of the study -- Incidental and intentional vocabulary learning -- Negotiation of meaning and form -- Input-based instruction versus production-based instruction -- Pushed output -- Task induced involvement load -- Skill-specificity -- Summary -- Incidental grammar acquisition -- Conversational differences of PPP and TBLT -- Focus on form in TBLT lessons -- Research methodology -- Future research -- Conclusion -- TBLT in elementary schools in Japan. Ideological issues -- References -- Appendix A . Transcription Conventions (adapted from Markee, 2008) -- Appendix B. Inferential statistics for vocabulary tests -- Appendix C. Statistical results for the multiple-choice plural -s listening test -- Procedures -- Test results for nouns (for Table 6.1) -- Within-group comparisons -- Between-group comparison results -- Test Results of adjectives (for Table 6.4) -- Within-group comparisons -- Between-group comparisons -- Test results for process features (for Tables 6.8-6.10) -- Results for test scores -- Within-group comparisons -- Between-group comparisons -- Comparisons between the number of 'acquired' and 'not acquired' students -- Within-group comparisons -- Between-group comparisons -- Index.

9789027267306 9027267308


English language--Study and teaching--Japan.
English language--Study and teaching--Japanese speakers.
Task analysis in education--Japan.
Education, Bilingual--Japan.
Education, Bilingual.
English language--Study and teaching.
English language--Study and teaching--Japanese speakers.
Task analysis in education.


Electronic books.

