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New developments in expert systems research /

New developments in expert systems research / [edited by] Anna Bennet. - 1 online resource - Computer science, technology and applications .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

SeDeM diagram : an innovative expert system for the rationally preformulation and optimization of tablets by direct compression / Marc Su�n�e Pou [and 8 others], Service of Development of Medicines (SDM), Pharmaceutical Technology Unit, Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Technology Department, University of Barcelona, Spain -- Java technologies and persistency mechanisms in expert systems knowledge base implementations / Mironela Pirnau and Spirescu Alexandru, Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Informatics, Bucharest, Romania -- Development of expert system for information security audit / lyazzat Atymtayeva, Kanat Kozhakhmet, Department Of Information Systems Management, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan -- Optimization of PID controller parameters for 3-DOF planar manipulator using GA and PSO / Ravi Kumar Mandava, K. Sai Manas, and Pandu Ranga Vundavilli, School of Mechanical Sciences,

9781634829182 1634829182

Expert systems (Computer science)
Expert systems (Computer science)

Electronic books.

QA76.76.E95 / N488 2014eb
