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Direct marketing management /

Roberts, Mary Lou.

Direct marketing management / Mary Lou Roberts, Paul D. Berger. - 2nd ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall International, 1999. - 447 p. : ill.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"In the years since the first edition of Direct Marketing Management was published, the discipline of direct marketing has attained maturity. It constitutes a major part of the marketing efforts of most business-to-business firms and nonprofit organizations." "Direct Marketing Management, Second Edition, reflects this enormous growth, recognizing that the real power of marketing lies in the development and strategic use of the marketing database, not in the media per se. It explores the concept that relationship marketing, with its emphasis on customer service and retention, is the keystone of profitable marketing for the foreseeable future. It also provides complete coverage of the sudden emergence of computer-based electronic media, including on-line services and the World Wide Web, as a major marketing vehicle."--BOOK JACKET.


Direct marketing