Yan, Chunmei,

Enhancing prospects of longer-term sustainability of cross-cultural INSET initiatives in China / Chunmei Yan. - 1 online resource : illustrations. - - Education in a competitive and globalizing world series . - Education in a competitive and globalizing world series. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ENHANCING PROSPECTSOF LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITYOF CROSS-CULTURAL INSETINITIATIVES IN CHINA; CONTENTS; INTRODUCTION; RATIONALES FOR THE PRESENT STUDY; 1. To Explore Determinants for Success of CPD Initiatives; 2. TO RAISE AN AWARENESS OF THE IMPORTANCEOF EVALUATION IN CPD INITIATIVES; 3. TO EVALUATE THE PROJECT APPROACH AS AN INNOVATIVEMETHODOLOGY; 4. TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHINESELITERATURE ON TEACHER EDUCATION; Focus of the Study; Structure of the Book; LITERATURE REVIEW (1)CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT; INTRODUCTION; RATIONALES FOR CPD; PERSPECTIVES ON CPD. PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CPDIntegrating Institutional and Individual Development; Professional Development as an Ongoing Process; Professional Development as a Reflective Process; Taking into Account the Affective Dimensions of CPD; IMPLEMENTATION DESIGNS; PROBLEMS AND ISSUES IN INSET; Lack of Clarity of Innovations; Lack of Planning; Lack of Persistent Effort at the Grassroots; Cultural Mismatches between Imported Technologyand Local Conventions and Needs; Resistance; UNAVAILABILITY OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT; Perception Gaps; THE 'CLONING EFFECT'; Neglect of Change of Teacher Beliefs. LACK OF EVALUATIONFailure to Address Needs of Teachers and Institutions; CONCLUDING COMMENTS; LITERATURE REVIEW (2)MAJOR ISSUES IN MANAGING CROSS-CULTURALINSET INITIATIVES; INTRODUCTION; PERSPECTIVES ON CHANGE ANDLONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY; Characteristics of Change; Strategies for Change; Change Process; Sustainability; ENHANCING LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITYOF INSET INITIATIVES; ROLES AND ACTIONS AT THE MICRO LEVEL; Adopting a Client-Centred, Purposiveand Evolutionary Approach to INSET; Establishing Collaborative Cultures at the Team Level; Capitalising on the Role of Leadership. Upgrading Trainer ExpertiseConducting Research Related to INSET; ROLES AND ACTIONS AT THE MESO AND MACRO LEVELS; Providing Administrative and Professional Support; Empowering the 'Insiders'; Harmonising Individual and Organisational Needs; Integrating Top-Down Approaches with Self-DirectedProfessional Development; Empowering Teachers in Their Pursuitof Their Professional Development; Coping with Resistance from Teachers; INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE THREE LEVELS; Facilitating Communication and Coordination between Various Parties; Building up Network; CULTURAL CONTINUITY AND ADAPTATION. Integrating a Training Course with the Existing SystemEnhancing Cultural Integration and Synergy; Developing Intercultural Maturity; CONCLUSIONS; RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY; RESEARCH DESIGN AND STRATEGY; Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions; Research Design: Case Study and Illuminative Evaluation; Research Strategies: Abductive and Deductive; Research Background; DATA COLLECTION; Triangulation of Data Collection Methods and Respondents; Data Collection Schedules; Interview Schedules and Questionnaires; Interview Schedules and Questionnaires for Phase 1 Data Collection.

9781617284052 161728405X


GBA959926 bnb

015292225 Uk

Employees--Training of--China.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Mentoring & Coaching.
Employees--Training of.


Electronic books.

