Hydraulic engineering : structural applications, numerical modeling and environmental impacts / Gerhard Hirsch and Bernd Kappel, editors. - 1 online resource. - Engineering tools, techniques and tables series . - Engineering tools, techniques and tables. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS, NUMERICAL MODELING AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS; HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS, NUMERICAL MODELING AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS; CONTENTS; PREFACE ; AN EXTENDED SHALLOW-WATER-LIKE MODEL APPLIED TO FLOWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION ; PART I. THREE-DIMENSIONAL DRIFT-FLUX MODEL ; 1.1. Local Instant Formulation of the Mathematical Model for Two-Phase Flow ; 1.2. Approaches to Solve Local Instant Formulation ; 1.3. Time Averaging of the Local Instant Formulation. PART II. TWO-DIMENSIONAL DRIFT-FLUX MODEL 2.1. Dimensional Analysis and simplification ; 2.2 Depth-Integrated Drift-Flux Model ; 2.2.1 Boundary Condition at the free-Surface and the Bottom ; General formulation ; Kinematic Boundary Conditions ; Diffusive Boundary Conditions ; Dynamic boundary conditions ; 2.2.2 Definition of the Depth-Average and Important Relations ; 2.2.3 Depth-Integration of the Continuity Equation ; 2.2.4 Depth-Integration of the Diffusion Equation ; 2.2.5 Depth-integration of the Momentum Equations ; 2.2.6 Convective Flux ; Coefficient of uneven distribution. Covariance correction term 2.2.7 Pressure Distribution; 2.3 Moment Equations of the Drift-flux Model ; 2.3.1 Moment of the Mixture Continuity Equation ; 2.3.2 Moment of the Diffusion Equation; Moment of the Momentum Equations ; 2.4 Multi-Layer Depth-Integrated Drift-Flux Model ; 2.4.1 Boundary Condition at the Interfaces between Layers ; Kinematic Boundary Conditions ; Dynamic Boundary Conditions ; 2.4.2 Depth-Integration of the Continuity Equation over a Layer ; 2.4.3 Depth-integration of the Diffusion Equation over a Layer ; Depth-Integration of the Momentum Equation over a Layer. PART III. ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION OF DEPTH-INTEGRATED DRIFT-FLUX EQUATIONS 3.1 Single-Phase Flow; 3.1.1 Particularized Model ; 3.1.2 Friction Correlations ; 3.1.3 Mathematical Properties of the System ; 3.1.4 Application examples ; Inundation mapping ; Dam break induced flood wave and inundation flow ; 3.2 Aerated Flow and Air Water Interactions ; 3.2.1 Particularized Model ; 3.2.2 Kinematic Constitutive Equation ; 3.2.3 Friction Correlation: Homogeneous Assumption ; 3.2.4 Mathematical Properties of the System ; 3.2.5 Application to Stepped Spillways. 3.3 Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics 3.3.1 Particularized Model ; 3.3.2 Mathematical properties of the system. ; 3.3.3 Application Examples ; Migration of a trench due to suspended load ; Bed load and suspended load transport in a large reservoir ; MOMENT EQUATIONS ; Particularized Model ; 3.4.2 Mathematical Properties of the System ; 3.4.3 Application Examples ; CONCLUSION; REFERENCES. INTERACTING INFILTRATION DEVICES (FIELD ANALYSIS, EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION AND NUMERICAL MODELLING): PREDICTION OF SEEPAGE (OVERLAND FLOW) LOCATIONS, MECHANISMS AND VOLUMES -- IMPLICATIONS FOR SUDS, GROUNDWATER RAISING PROJECTS AND CARBON SEQUESTRATION PROJECTS.


9781611223224 1611223229


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Hydraulic engineering.
Hydraulic engineering.
G�enie hydraulique.

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