Impacts of climate change on transportation and infrastructure : a Gulf Coast study / Iason Pavlopoulos, editor. - 1 online resource - - Climate change and its causes, effects and prediction . - Climate change and its causes, effects, and prediction series. .

Includes bibliographical references.

IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE -- A GULF COAST STUDY; CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS CAUSES, EFFECTS AND PREDICTION; CONTENTS; PREFACE; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; ABSTRACT; THE GULF COAST STUDY AREA; Physical and Natural Environment; The Gulf Coast Transportation Network; THE GULF COAST CLIMATE IS CHANGING; CLIMATE CHANGE HAS IMPLICATIONS FOR GULF COAST TRANSPORTATION; CLIMATE CHANGE CONSIDERATIONS NEED TO BE INCORPORATED IN TRANSPORTATION DECISIONS; Transportation Planning Processes; New Approaches to Incorporate Climate Information; Adaptation Strategies. FUTURE RESEARCH WOULD BENEFIT DECISION MAKERSWHY STUDY CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON TRANSPORTATION?; 1.1. THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING; 1.2. HOW WILL CHANGES IN CLIMATE AFFECT TRANSPORTATION?; 1.2.1. What Are the Challenges to Research?; 1.3. STATE OF SCIENCE REGARDING CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON TRANSPORTATION; 1.3.1. Overview of State of Practice; 1.3.2. Major Sponsors Conducting Related Research; 1.3.3. State of Technical Analysis; 1.3.4. Impacts, Assessment, and Adaptation; 1.3.5. Direct Climate Impacts on Transportation Addressed in Existing Literature; Increasing Temperatures. Increasing PrecipitationRising Sea Levels; Changes in Storm Activity; 1.3.6. Indirect Climate Impacts on Transportation Addressed in Existing Literature; Economic; Environmental; Demographic; Security; 1.3.7. Decision Making Processes and Tools; Institutional Changes; Uncertainty and Probability; Approaches to Risk Analysis and Impact Assessment; 1.4. CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM CURRENT LITERATURE ON THE STATE OF RESEARCH; 1.5. GULF COAST STUDY SELECTION, OBJECTIVES, AND ORGANIZATION; 1.5.1. Study Selection; 1.5.2. Gulf Coast Study Objectives and Three Phases. 1.5.3. Study Organization and Oversight1.5.4. Characterizing Uncertainty; 1.6. SOURCES; 1.6.1. References; 1.6.2. Background Sources; WHY STUDY THE GULF COAST?; 2.1. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY REGION; 2.1.1. Regional and National Significance; 2.1.2. Study Area Boundaries; 2.1.3. Structure of This Chapter; 2.2. THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN THE GULF COAST REGION; 2.2.1. Overview of the Intermodal Transportation System in the Gulf Coast Region; Passenger Travel; Freight Transport; Intermodal Facilities; Emergency Management; 2.2.2. Modal Characteristics; Highways; Highway Network and Usage. Intermodal ConnectorsBridges; Other Facilities; Transit; Fixed Guideway (Light Rail); Fixed-Route Buses; Paratransit; Other Facilities; Rail; Freight Rail; Passenger Rail; Marine Facilities and Waterways; Freight Handling Ports and Waterways; Waterborne Freight Types and Volumes; Key Commodities and Industries; Nonfreight Marine Facilities; Aviation; Pipelines; 2.3. GULF COAST PHYSICAL SETTING AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT; 2.3.1. Geomorphology; 2.3.2. Current Elevation and Subsidence; 2.3.3. Sediment Erosion, Accretion, and Transport; 2.3.4. Land Use and Land Cover.


9781614700715 1614700710


GBA989771 bnb

015367354 Uk

Roads--Design and construction--Climatic factors--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Climatic changes--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Storms--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Floods--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Sustainable engineering--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Transportation--Environmental aspects--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Infrastructure (Economics)--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Climatic changes.
Infrastructure (Economics)
Roads--Design and construction--Climatic factors.
Sustainable engineering.
Transportation--Environmental aspects.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Industries--Transportation.
TRANSPORTATION--Public Transportation.

Gulf Coast (U.S.)--Climate.
United States--Gulf Coast.

Electronic books.

