Neo-Baroques : from Latin America to the Hollywood Blockbuster / edited by Walter Moser, Angela Ndalianis, Peter Krieger. - 1 online resource - Postmodern studies ; v. 55 .

Preliminary Material / Introduction / Introduction to Part 1 / Meditations on the Baroque / Reconsidering Metatheatricality: Towards a Baroque Understanding of Postdramatic Theatre / Fabricating Film -- The Neo-Baroque Folds of Claire Denis / Baroque Affinities: W�olfflin, Visconti, the Baroque and the Films of Glauber Rocha / Artist's Essay -- The Neo-Baroque and Complexity / Introduction to Part 2 / Afro-Caribbean Belief Systems and the Neo-Baroque Novel: The Duel of Faiths in Alejo Carpentier's El reino de este mundo and Ludic Voodoo in Alfonso Quijada Ur�ias's Lujuria tropical / Temporal and Local Transfers: The Neo-Baroque between Politics, Religion and Entertainment / The Religious Shines through: Religious Remnants and Resurgences in 90s Cinema / Artist's Essay: Towers, Shipwrecks, and Neo-Baroque Allegories / Introduction to Part 3 / Symbolic Dimensions and Cultural Functions of the Neo-Baroque Balustrade in Contemporary Mexico City: An Alternative Learning from Las Vegas / Mexico City's Dissonant Modernity and the Marketplace Baroque: Salvador Novo's Nueva grandeza mexicana and Bernardo de Balbuena's La grandeza mexicana / Baroque Theatricality and Scripted Spaces: From Movie Palace to Las Vegas Casinos / Artist's Essay: Post-digital Neo-Baroque: Reinterpreting Baroque Reality and Beauty in Contemporary Architectural Design / Index / Walter Moser , Angela Ndalianis and Peter Krieger -- Walter Moser -- Walter Moser -- Bol�ivar Echeverr�ia and Mar�ia Jos�e Gim�enez -- Karel Vanhaesebrouck -- Saige Walton -- Rita Eder -- Richard Reddaway -- Angela Ndalianis -- Hugh Hazelton -- Jens Baumgarten -- Walter Moser -- Patrick Mahon -- Peter Krieger -- Peter Krieger -- Monika Kaup -- Angela Ndalianis -- Marjan Colletti -- Walter Moser , Angela Ndalianis and Peter Krieger.

The Baroque is back in contemporary culture. The ten essays authored by international scholars, and three interventions by artists, examine the return of the baroque as Neo-Baroque through interdisciplinary perspectives. Understanding the Neo-Baroque as transcultural (between different cultures) and transhistorical (between historical moments) the contributors to this volume offer diverse perspectives that suggest the slipperiness of the Neo-Baroque may best be served by the term 'Neo-Baroques'. Case studies analysed reflect this plurality and include: the productions of Belgian theatre company Abattoir Ferm�e; Claire Denis' French New Extremist film Trouble Every Day ; the novel Lujuria tropical by exiled El Salvadorian Quijada Urias; the science fiction blockbuster spectacles The Matrix and eXistenZ; and the spectacular grandeur of early Hollywood movie palaces and the contemporary Las Vegas Strip. Contributors: Jens Baumgarten, Marjan Colletti, Bol�ivar Echeverr�ia, Rita Eder, Hugh Hazelton, Monika Kaup, Peter Krieger, Patrick Mahon, Walter Moser, Angela Ndalianis, Richard Reddaway, Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Saige Walton.

9004324356 9789004324350


Motion pictures.
Mass media.
Civilization, Baroque.
Art, Baroque--Influence.
Art, Baroque--Influence.
Civilization, Baroque.
Mass media.
Motion pictures.

Electronic books.

