Food issues, policies, and safety considerations. Volume 5 / Cynthia M. Truman, editor. - 1 online resource. - Food issues, policies, and safety considerations .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

FOOD ISSUES, POLICIES, AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS VOLUME 5 ; FOOD ISSUES, POLICIES, AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS VOLUME 5 ; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 LEGAL ISSUES WITH FEDERAL LABELING OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOOD: IN BRIEF ; Summary; Genetically Engineered Foods; Labeling Requirements Impacting GE Foods; The Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act; "Natural" Labels; FDA Policy; State Laws; Litigation & Labeling of GE Foods; Primary Jurisdiction Doctrine; Application of the Primary Jurisdiction Doctrine to GE Food Labeling Claims; Legislation in the 114th Congress; End Notes Chapter 2 REVISION OF THE NUTRITION FACTS LABEL: PROPOSED RULES Summary; Introduction; Background on Nutrient Intake and Dietary Guidance; FDA Authority to Regulate Nutrition Labeling; Proposed Rules; Selected Aspects of Proposed Rule 137; Require Information About "Added Sugars"; Remove "Calories from Fat"; Require Declaration of Potassium and Vitamin D, Permit Vitamins A and C; Update Reference Values for Certain Nutrients; Reduce Sodium Limits; Increase Dietary Fiber Recommendations; Increase Potassium; Establish New Definition for Vitamin K; Increase Chloride Establish RDI for CholineReduce Vitamin B12; Update Units of Measure Vitamins A, D, and E; Folate and Folic Acid; Update Labeling of Foods for Infants, Young Children, and Pregnant or Lactating Women; Modifying the Categorization of Children Younger than Four Years of Age; Mandatory Declaration of Calories and Required Nutrients; Changes to Label Design; Selected Aspects of Proposed Rule 2; Changes to the RACCs; Changes to Single-Serving Sizes; Use of Dual Column Labeling; Compliance, Costs, and Considerations; Compliance Timeframes; Costs and Benefits; Considerations; End Notes Chapter 3 THE U.S. WINE INDUSTRY AND SELECTED TRADE ISSUES WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION Summary; Overview; Global Production and Trade; Wine Production; Global Wine Trade; Exporting Countries; Importing Countries; Reported Barriers to Trade for U.S. Wine Exporters; General Barriers to Trade; Concerns Related to the U.S.-EU Agreement on Trade in Wine; Geographical Indications (GIs) and "Semi-Generic" Terms; Market Access Regarding "Traditional" Terms; Winemaking Practices and Other Technical Issues; Regulatory Coherence; Implications for Ongoing FTA Negotiations Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP); Concluding Remarks; End Notes; Chapter 4 U.S. CATFISH INDUSTRY AND FOREIGN TRADE: A FACT SHEET ; U.S. Aquaculture Production and Catfish Farming; U.S. Aquaculture Production and Catfish Farming; U.S. Imports; Congressional and Administrative Actions; End Notes; Chapter 5 NUT CONSUMPTION AMONG U.S. ADULTS, 2009-2010 ; Key Findings; Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2010

This book discusses several topics on food issues, policies, and safety. The topics include average food prices; genetically engineered salmon; food recalls and other FDA administrative enforcement actions; implementation of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act; and FDA's international food safety capacity-building plan.

9781634851060 1634851064


United States. Food and Drug Administration.
United States. Food and Drug Administration.

POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--State & Provincial.

United States.

Electronic books.
Electronic books.



RA601 / .F66 2016

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