Conductive materials and composites / editors, Vera Mitchell. - 1 online resource. - Materials science and technologies .

Includes index.

CONDUCTIVE MATERIALS AND COMPOSITES; CONDUCTIVE MATERIALS AND COMPOSITES; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MICROWIRE COMPOSITES COFENIBSIMO, COFEBSICR AND COFESIB IN THE X AND KU BAND ; ABSTRACT ; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. STATE OF ART ON THE COMPOSITE MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION ; 2.1. Effective Permittivity and Mixture Laws ; 2.2. Microwave Interactions with Materials ; 2.2.1. Method in Free Space ; 2.2.2. Method Rectangular Waveguide; 2.2.3. Techniques Coaxial Probes ; 3. ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES; 3.1. Extraction Methods from Electromagnetic Parameters 3.2.1. Method Nicholson Ross Weir 3.2.2. Iterative Method of Newton Raphson ; 3.2.3. Reflection Loss; 4. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS ; 4.1. Electromagnetic Properties in X-Band ; Conclusion ; 4.2. Electromagnetic Properties in Ku-Band ; 4.2.1. Effective Permittivity ; 4.2.2. Effective Permeability ; 4.2.3. Reflection Loss ; Conclusion ; REFERENCES ; Chapter 2 ELECTRICAL AND SHIELDING PROPERTIES OF NANOCARBON-EPOXY COMPOSITES ; ABSTRACT ; 1. INTRODUCTION ; 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ; 2.1. Production of Polymer Composites Filled with Nanocarbon ; 2.2. Research Methods 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Structure and Morphology of Nanocarbon-Polymer Composite Materials ; 3.1.1. Nanoscaled Carbon Fillers ; Graphite Nanoplatelets; Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs); 3.1.2. Polymer Composite Materials with Uniform Distribution of the Electroconductive Filler ; 3.2. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Electrical Conductivity of Epoxy Composites ; 3.2.1. Electrical Conductivity of Epoxy Composites with Single Carbon Filler ; 3.2.2. 3-D Monte Carlo Simulation of Percolation Threshold of Electrical Conductivity of Polymer Composites 3.2.3. Model of Electrical Conductivity 3.2.4. Epoxy Composites with Hybrid Fillers ; 3.2.5. Conductivity Changes under Action of External Fields ; Experimental Study of the Electrical Resistivity of the Epoxy-Carbon Composites over a Wide Range of Temperatures; Experimental Study of Mechanical Load Influence on Resistivity of Epoxy CMs ; 3.3. Experimental Studies of the Electrodynamic Properties of CMs; 3.3.1. Theoretical Background ; 3.3.2. The Influence of the Type and Morphology of Carbon Filler on Shielding Properties of Composite Nanocarbon-Epoxy 3.3.3. Modeling of Permittivity of Carbon-Polymer Composites CONCLUSION ; REFERENCES ; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ; Chapter 3 SHIELDING EFFECTIVENESS OF CONDUCTIVE MATERIALS AND COMPOSITES ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; SHIELDING MECHANISMS ; MATERIALS ; MODELING ; MEASUREMENTS ; CONCLUSION; REFERENCES ; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES; Chapter 4 PREPARATION OF CONDUCTIVE CARBON BLACK-FILLED POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES VIA MELT COMPOUNDING ; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION ; PARAMETERS INFLUENCING THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF CARBON BLACK NANOCOMPOSITES ; THE MELT-COMPOUNDING ROUTE

9781634849098 1634849094


Electric conductors.
Composite materials--Electric properties.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Engineering (General)
Composite materials--Electric properties.
Electric conductors.

Electronic books.

