Lucy, Sam,

Romano-British settlement and cemeteries at Mucking : excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones, 1965-1978 / Sam Lucy and Christopher Evans with Rosemary Jefferies, Grahame Appleby and Chris Going ; with contributions by Jo Appleby, Donald Bailey, Paul Barford, Joanna Bird, David Buckley, J. Cooper, Leslie Cram, P.E. Curnow, Brenda Dickinson, Geraldine Done, Kay Hartley, Colin Haselgrove, Martin Henig, Frank Jenkins, Catherine Johns, Ruth Leary, Hilary Major, Graham Morgan, Quita Mould, Richard Reece, Krish Seetah, Nicole Taylor, Marijke van der Veen, David Williams, and the late Dorothy Charlesworth, Elizabeth Crowfoot, John Evans, Donald Harden and Margaret Jones ; with graphics by Andrew Hall, Vicki Herring, Iain Forbes, Jane Matthews, Joanna Bacon and Amanda Balfour. - 1 online resource - CAU landscape archives series: Historiography and fieldwork ; No. 3 / Mucking 5 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Summary; R�esum�e; Zusammenfassung; CHAPTER ONE: ROMAN MUCKING -- MANY THINGS; Backgrounding and Prehistoric Sequence; Situation, Excavation Context and Methods; Base-line Sources; Site Phasing and Analysis; Volume Structure; CHAPTER TWO: SETTLEMENT SEQUENCE; Conquest Period Components -- A Sketch; Phase 1 -- Later First/Early Second Century AD; The Central Enclosure; The Western Enclosures; The Southern Enclosures; Phase 2 -- Early Second to Mid Third Century AD; The Central Enclosure; The Southern Enclosures; Phase 3 -- Mid Third to Fourth Centuries AD. Discussion -- Settlement Sequence, Pits and Building ParallelsPits; Structures; Site Sequence; CHAPTER THREE: SETTLEMENT FINDS; Metalwork; Roman Coinage Richard Reece; Base Silver Finger-ring Martin Henig; Roman Brooches Colin Haselgrove; Other Copper Alloy Artefacts Grahame Appleby; Lead Artefacts Quita Mould; Iron Artefacts Quita Mould; Other Finds; Quern Stones David Buckley and Hilary Major; Jet Artefacts Chris Going and Sam Lucy; Glass Dorothy Charlesworth and Donald Harden; Pottery; Samian Wares Joanna Bird and Brenda Dickinson; Mortaria Kay Hartley; Amphorae David Williams. Romano-British Pottery Rosemary Jefferies and Sam LucyGraffiti Chris Going; Pottery Petrology David Williams; Other Ceramic Finds; Clay Figurines Catherine Johns and Frank Jenkins; Ceramic Building Material Margaret Jones; Animal Foot Prints on Roman Tiles (Leslie Cram); Fired Clay and Daub Paul Barford; Textile Impressions Elizabeth Crowfoot; Economic Data; Animal Bone Krish Seetah and Geraldine Done; Mollusca from Pit 373N×407E J. Cooper; Carbonised Grain from Corn-drier 3 Marijke van der Veen; Discussion -- Distributions and Depositions; Distributions; Depositional Case-studies. CHAPTER FOUR: THE CEMETERIESCemetery I; Grave Catalogue; Overview; Cemetery II; Grave Catalogue; Overview -- Cremation Burials; Overview -- Inhumation Burials; Cemetery III; Grave Catalogue; Overview -- Cremation Burials; Overview -- Inhumation Burials; Cemetery IV; Grave Catalogue; Overview -- Cremation Burials; The Stone Coffin Burial; Cemetery V; Grave Catalogue; Overview; Smaller Cemetery Groups; The Southern Group; The Northern Group; Discussion -- Rites and Practices; Nailed Footwear -- Overview (Quita Mould); Pottery Use and Deposition (Rosemary Jefferies); Personal Ornaments. Contexts of BurialCHAPTER FIVE: INTEGRATING PARTS -- SETTLEMENT AND CEMETERIES; Transitions (I) -- Iron Age/Roman; The Pottery Industry; Iron Age/Roman; First and Second-Third Century; Mucking Kiln Products on the Northern Frontiers (Ruth Leary); Distinguishing Functional Difference; Pottery Analysis; Well 4 (Redux); Metalwork and Other Category Distributions; Sets for the Living (and Dead); Economic Basis; Ritual Components; Interrelating Cemeteries and Settlement; Explaining and Naming Roman Mucking -- An Estate Centre (+ Village); Transitions (II) -- Roman/Anglo-Saxon (Phase 4); Bibliography.

R�esum�e -- Roman Mucking : many things -- The settlement sequence -- Settlement finds -- The cemeteries -- Integrating parts : settlement and cemeteries -- Appendix 1: Pottery imports from southeast England to Hadrian's Wall.

9781785702716 1785702718 9781785702693 1785702696 1785702688 9781785702686

22573/ctt1kw2z9j JSTOR


Jones, M. U. 1916-2001.
Jones, Tom, -1993.
Jones, M. U. 1916-2001.
Jones, Tom, -1993.

To 1500

Excavations (Archaeology)--England--Mucking.
Human settlements--History--England--Mucking--To 1500.
Cemeteries--History--England--Mucking--To 1500.
Social archaeology--England--Mucking.
Landscape archaeology--England--Mucking.
Excavations (Archaeology)
Human settlements.
Landscape archaeology.
Social archaeology.

Mucking (England)--Antiquities.

Electronic book.
Electronic books.

