Land of fertility. I, South-east Mediterranean since the Bronze Age to the Muslim Conquest / edited by Ma�gorzata Kajzer, �ukasz Miszk, Maciej Wac�awik. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. - 1 online resource : illustrations

Includes bibliographical references.

In the south-east Mediterranean region, the so-called 'Fertile Crescent', the modern world began its development at the very beginning of human civilisation. People living there were among the first in the world to domesticate plants and animals, and many of the ideas and objects that are in common use today originated from that area. The papers collected in this volume are based on papers presented at an international conference titled "The Land of Fertility: The South-East Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Muslim Conquest", which was focused on this very special region, and the proces.

1443888680 9781443888684

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Mediterranean Region--Civilization.
Mediterranean Region--Antiquities.
Mediterranean Region.

Electronic books.

