Religious Plurality and the Public Space : Joint Christian - Muslim Theological Reflections.
- Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, 2014.
- 1 online resource (185 pages)
- LWF Studies 2015 ; v. 1 .
- LWF Studies 2015. .
Interreligious Relations, Secularity and the "Immanent Frame"List of Contributors.
Cover ; Impressum ; Contents; Introduction; Theological Perspectives; State and Religion in Islam-Islam's Contribution to the Political Culture of Democracy; Dialogical Conversation to Search for Principles of Interfaith Relations: The Future of Pluralistic World Order; The Secular State as a Religious Necessity. An Islamic Perspective; Consumer or Citizen: Religious Communities in the Public Space; Owning Citizenship-The Church in the Public Space. A Theological Approach to the Church's Role in the World; Public Space, Agency and Dialogue in Plural Societies; Scriptural Insights. No Abiding City? Biblical Perspectives and the Public SquareHistorical Contextualization of the Qur'an as a Key for Today's Interpretations of the Qur'an; Historical Insights; Spaces for Conversation: Occasions and Conditions for Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Pre-Modern Times; Contextual Insights; Creating Public Space: Observations from the Palestinian Context; Citizenship and Public Theology: A Lutheran Approach from Brazil; Religion in the Public Space: A Nigerian Perspective; Secularity Revisited; Should Public Space Be Secular?
9783374040209 3374040209
827478 MIL
Religious pluralism. RELIGION--Comparative Religion. RELIGION--Essays. RELIGION--Reference. Religious pluralism.