K�unnemann, Vanessa,

Middlebrow mission : Pearl S. Buck's American China / Vanessa K�unnemann. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2015. - 1 online resource (260 pages) - Transcript lettre . - Lettre (Transcript (Firm)) .

Includes bibliographical references.

Cover Middlebrow Mission: Pearl S. Buck's American China ; Contents ; Acknowledgments ; An Aromatic Blend of America and China: Introducing Pearl Buck's Middlebrow Mission ; Pearl Buck and the Misssionary Theme ; Pearl Buck in the Context of Middlebrow Literature ; The Critical Dismissal of Pearl Buck. 1. The Sentimental Imperialism of American Women Missionaries in China American Missionaries as Cultural Imperialists ; Women Missionaries -- Competing Concepts of Womanhood Abroad? ; Women Missionaries and their Home Audiences. 'The Work of Women for Women': Ambiguities in the Social Gospel Missionary Marriages and the 'Burden of Motherhood' ; The Missionary Home as Empire ; 2. The Exile and Fighting Angel: Pearl Buck's Gendered Critique of Missions. The Parents' Representativeness: Introducing Pearl Buck's Recovery Project Between Fact and Fiction: Pearl Buck as a 'New' Biographer ; The American Mother and the Saintly Prophet: The Biographies of Pearl Buck's Missionary Parents. Rethinking the Biographies -- Pearl Buck's My Several Worlds "Is there a Case for Foreign Missions?" Pearl Buck's Official Break with the Missionary Movement ; 'Making Use of Missionary Pamphlets'? The Missionary Theme in Buck's Fiction ; 3. Pearl Buck's Coming of Age: East Wind, West Wind.

Nobel Prize winner Pearl S. Buck's engagment with (neo- ) missionary cultures in the United States and China was unique. Against the backdrop of her missionary upbringing, Buck developed a fictional project which both revised and reaffirmed American foreign missionary activity in the Pacific Rim durinjg the 20th century. Vanessa K�unnemann accurately traces this project from America's number one expert on China - as Buck came to be known - from a variety of disciplinary angles, placing her work squarely in Middlebrow Studies and New American Studies. -- from back cover.

9783839431085 3839431085 3837631087 9783837631081


879877 MIL

Buck, Pearl S. 1892-1973 --Criticism and interpretation.
Buck, Pearl S. 1892-1973.

Missionaries in literature.
LITERARY CRITICISM--American--General.
Missionaries in literature.

China--In literature.

Electronic books.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.

PS3503.U198 / K55 2015eb
