Singh, Vinay,

Real time analytics with SAP HANA : enhance your SAP HANA skills using this step-by-step guide to create data models and reports for real time analytics / Vinay Singh. - 1 online resource : illustrations - Professional expertise distilled . - Professional expertise distilled. .

Includes index.

9781782174127 1782174125 1782174117 9781782174110

9781782174127 Packt Publishing Pvt. Ltd

018005590 Uk

SAP HANA (Electronic resource)
SAP HANA (Electronic resource)

Real-time data processing.
Database management.
Business enterprises--Data processing.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Industrial Management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Management Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Organizational Behavior.
Business enterprises--Data processing.
Database management.
Real-time data processing.

Electronic books.

